Method script.writeResult
Writes a string result for the task that called script.runWait or script.runWait to run this task, or for the program that started this task using command line like "Au.Editor.exe *Script5.cs"
public static bool writeResult(string s)
s (string)
A string. This function does not append newline characters. |
script.runWait can read the string in real time.
script.runWait gets all strings joined when the task ends.
The program that started this task using command line like "Au.Editor.exe *Script5.cs"
can read the string from the redirected standard output in real time, or the string is displayed to its console in real time. The string encoding is UTF-8; if you use a .bat
file or cmd.exe
and want to get correct Unicode text, execute this before, to change console code page to UTF-8: chcp 65001
Does not work if script role is editorExtension.