me myself and the pc
i work in a financial and reporting department and would like to know how to create a macro (if possible) that not only formats my excel sheets and prints them out, the way i want them too but i would like to come in, in the morning and have all the reports downloaded formated and printed.
is it possible to make a macro log onto the internet download the reports, save them, and format them to be printed?
the process is fairly straight forward, but just consumes alot of time during my day... i'd like them to be complete before i walk in...
help please this would save me time energy patience and would be greatly productive during my workweek.
greatly appreciated
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Yes, it is possible. QM has functions to connect to the Internet, download pages, etc. Of course, this task is not easy, and nothing except you can create fully and reliably working macro for you. If you will give more details, I will help you. But you also should be quite familiar with QM or scripting/programming in general (if-else, for, goto, etc). Please describe all steps with all details. For example:
1. If not connected, connect to the Internet using dialup networking connection "My Connection".
2. Download page "" to variable a.
3. If successful, do steps 4 to 10, else - step 11.
me myself and the pc
Actually i am not familiar with QM, but i am computer literate.
I wouldn't mind having a go at creating the macro through excel. would it be possible to run the kind of macro i need from excel? Once i have an idea of how it would work i'd upgrade too QM 2.
the idea is as follows :
Not connected/connected prior to leaving:
menu select report
wait till loads...
select parameters (dates, summary or detailed, store location...etc.)
submit (download)
wait till loads...
open file (opens in excel
save as ....
name of file: distro report for store 1 (name of saved file needs to match the name of file downloaded)
this is basically it, i was wondering if i could start off using excel then QM
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Quote:would it be possible to run the kind of macro i need from excel?
To run QM macro "X" from Excel macro:
dim qm, macro
qm="c:\program files\quick macros 2\qmcl.exe"
Shell qm & " M " & chr(34) & macro & chr(34)
me myself and the pc
Hello Gintaras,
I just downloaded the QM beta the first post at the top of the forum board.
I will take a look at it, I didn’t realize I could get it for free, I was sure I saw a $30 charge for the download, and the posted ones where demos....
Anyway I’ll give this a go, work with it, read the help index’s and write back to you when I’m a little more Savoy with the whole macro application.
Thank you for your assistance and interest so far. This is a great idea. Thank you
Most greatly appreciated
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Quote:I didn’t realize I could get it for free
Look at QM help, "Order info" topic.
me myself and the pc
So i have 30 days to build my macro...
Then again i'm sure that on the trial version there are limitations.
doesn't excel have 'microsoft script editor' or 'visual basic' on it that can perform what i need?
just my luck!!!
anybody got $30 bucks?
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While unregistered, QM is fully functional, and actually expires after 45 days.
Of course: menu Tools/Macro/... . But now I am not sure what means Quote:I wouldn't mind having a go at creating the macro through excel. would it be possible to run the kind of macro i need from excel?
Why you need to launch QM macro from Excel. Maybe would be better to use scheduler or some other trigger?
me myself and the pc
Well my first macro was created with macros in excel, and so i was wondring if QM was similar to 'microsoft script editor' or 'visual basic' that comes with excel, in wich case i wouldn't need QM.
"doesn't excel have 'microsoft script editor' or 'visual basic' on it that can perform what i need?"
I have taken a look at QM for a good few hours last night, with all the terminoligy writen for QM, the task of creating this macro seems dawnting. but i am determined. An i know exactly what i need, so i'm not going in blind!
are you still up too the task? would you help me to do this if i emailed you the steps i need.?
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Quote:are you still up too the task? would you help me to do this if i emailed you the steps i need.?
Yes. Because I'm interested in testing QM in real world.
me myself and the pc
I will do as much as possible, so that i do the best not to give you a headache, i will start off creating a basic skeleton of what i need then i will got back and tweak it to create the full hands off working model.
what do you suggest?
so far i have created : by pressing play...
Run Notepad
Wait for Notepad window max 0
Wait 0 (infinite) s
now i need to log on...
me myself and the pc
Run Notepad
run "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE"
Wait for Notepad window max 0.5 s
Wait 0 (infinite) s
Once the web site comes up, i attempted to use 'html element actions' to select the dialog box and to enter in the first part of the log on without any success, am i doing this correctly?
I am trying to make the macro log on
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You can run iexplore, open web page and wait for window in single statement. To insert this statement, use "Run program" or "Open document" dialog.
To log in, you can use keyboard and mouse. This can be recorded. To create more reliable macro, you can use html element actions. To insert statements, use "Find html element" and "Html element actions" dialogs.
[color=blue]int [/color]hwnd
[color=blue]run [/color]"iexplore.exe" "" "" "" 0xA00 "Internet Explorer" hwnd
HtmlSetText("[color=red]my name[/color]" "INPUT" "name" "" hwnd 0 0 0x221 1)
HtmlSetText("[color=red]password[/color]" "INPUT" "pass" "" hwnd 0 1 0x221)
HtmlClick("INPUT" "login" "" hwnd 0 2 0x421)
Then find some html element in next page, and so on. Don't forget to specify wait time (eg 15) in "Find html element" dialog. Red text is what you must change.
I have managed to macro to the page i need and fill out date parameters.
I am having trouble where i need the macro to select one title within a 'scroll down list of many titles' instead all i do is 'Find Html element' or 'html element action' of the entire frame (scroll down window) but cannot select the individual text within that frame.
I made a 'print screen' so you see what the screen looks like but you email does work
sent it to your email posted gindi@ ******.com ??
me myself and my pc
By simply using the record button i am able to do most of the selections i need, at least it should create the basic elements for running my super macro.
NOW to continue, i am in the proces of finding a way to maintain the window up with out it minimizing, while the report loads....
once loaded a pop up will appear to ask me wheather i want to save or open. lets see if i can figure it out
sushi and macros and IKEA best invention yet
sorry for the many posts, it seems that as soon as i get stuck i find a way to fix it
me myself an the pc
What happens when the int w1, 2, 3 ... reaches to 10 and int w11 is not valid!!>??
int w1=act(win("" "Shell_TrayWnd"))
lef 607 20 w1
int w2 =act(win("Internet Explorer" "IEFrame"))
lef+ 164 386 w2
int w3=act(win("" "Shell_TrayWnd"))
lef 566 15 w1
int w4=act(win("Internet Explorer" "IEFrame"))
lef 85 200 w2
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Why not valid?
It is similar that you recorded this macro and later inserted unnecessary commands. Or, you recorded this in 2 chunks, and later renamed some variables (but forgot to rename them in lef commands).
[color=blue]int [/color]w1=[color=blue]act[/color]([color=blue]win[/color]("" "Shell_TrayWnd"))
[color=blue]lef [/color]607 20 w1
[color=blue]int [/color]w2 =[color=blue]act[/color]([color=blue]win[/color]("Internet Explorer" "IEFrame"))
[color=blue]lef[/color]+ 164 386 w2
[color=blue]lef [/color]566 15 w1
[color=blue]lef [/color]85 200 w2