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equivalent QM code for loops through in a PowerShell pipeline

I want to change Multi-line string A to another format B, I have the correct PowerShell code,
This key and value are separated by -  Key-value pairs are separated by ---

but I want to find the equivalent QM code (loops through in a PowerShell pipeline), I tried many times but it didn't work

Thanks in advance for any advice and help


A Key
Hello 1
World 1
B Key
Hello 2

World 2
C Key
Hello 3
World 3
str A=
 A Key
str Av=
 Hello 1
 World 1
Av.findreplace("[]" "┋")

str B=
 B Key
str Bv=
 Hello 2
 World 2
Bv.findreplace("[]" "┋")

str C=
 C Key
str Cv=
 Hello 3
 World 3
Cv.findreplace("[]" "┋")

str kv=

Powershell Code: 
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$s = @'
A Key
Hello 1
World 1
B Key
Hello 2

World 2
C Key
Hello 3
World 3

$ci = 65
$s -split "\r\n---\r\n" | %{
    $b = $_ -split "\r\n-\r\n"
    $c = [char]$ci
    "str $c=`r`n $($b[0])"
    "str ${c}v="
    $b[1] -split "\r\n" | %{ " $_" }
    "${c}v.findreplace(`"[]`" `"┋`")`r`n"
'str kv='
65 .. ($ci - 1) | %{ " {$([char]$_)}={$([char]$_)v}" }

Macro Macro1
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;A Key
;Hello 1
;World 1
;B Key
;Hello 2
;World 2
;C Key
;Hello 3
;World 3

ARRAY(str) a
tok(_s a -1 "---" 0x2000)
str as=a

str d
int c=65

foreach str'as_ as
,ARRAY(str) b
,tok(as_ b -1 "-" 0x2000)
,d.formata("str %c=[] %s[]str %cv=" c b[0] c)
,ARRAY(str) cc
,tok(b[1] cc -1)
,str ccs=cc
,foreach str'ccs_ ccs
,,d.formata("[]%c.findreplace(''[]'' ''┋'')[]" c b[0] c)
;out d
for _i 65 c-1
,d.formata("str kv=[]F[] {%c}={%cv}[]DynamicLV(kv)" _i _i)
;out d

Macro Macro3
Copy      Help
;A Key
;Hello 1
;World 1
;B Key
;Hello 2
;World 2
;C Key
;Hello 3
;World 3

_s.replacerx("(?m)^-$" "+")
ARRAY(str) a
tok(_s a -1 "-" 0x2000)

str d
int c=65

for _i 0 a.len
,ARRAY(str) b
,tok(a[_i] b -1 "+" 0x2000)
,d.formata("str %c=[] %s[]str %cv=" c b[0] c)
,foreach _s b[1]
,,d.formata("[] %s" _s)
,d.formata("[]%cv.findreplace(''[91]]'' ''┋'')[][]" c)

d.formata("str kv=[]F[]")

for _i 65 c
,d.formata(" {%c}={%cv}[]" _i _i)

out d

There may be a better solution, if anyone knows, please let me know, thanks

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