09-21-2023, 12:25 PM
I want to compile a trigger file to exe file. But it doesn't work. Is there anything wrong? Thank you so much!
I want to compile a trigger file to exe file. But it doesn't work. Is there anything wrong? Thank you so much!
[code]// class "Hotkey triggers.cs"
/*/ role exeProgram; outputPath %folders.Workspace%\exe\Hotkey triggers; /*/
using Au.Triggers;
partial class Program {
void HotkeyTriggers() {
var hk = Triggers.Hotkey;
//Add hotkey triggers here.
//To add triggers can be used triggerSnippet or menu TT -> New trigger.
//To add trigger scopes (window, program) can be used Ctrl+Shift+Q.
//Click the Run button to apply changes after editing.
//More info in Cookbook.
if (true) { //examples. To enable and test it, replace (!true) with (true) and run this script.
hk["Ctrl+Alt+K"] = o => print.it("trigger action example 1", o.Trigger); //it means: when I press Ctrl+Alt+K, execute trigger action print.it(...)
hk["Ctrl+Shift+F11"] = o => { //multiple statements
var w1 = wnd.active;
if (w1.Name.Like("* - Notepad")) keys.sendt("trigger action example 2\r\n");
else print.it("trigger action example 2");
hk["Ctrl+Shift+1"] = o => TriggerActionExample(); //call other function. To find it quickly, click the function name here and press F12.
hk["Ctrl+Shift+2"] = o => TriggerActionExample2(o.Window); //the function can be in any class or partial file of this project
hk["Ctrl+Shift+3"] = o => script.run("Script example1.cs"); //run script in separate process
hk["Ctrl+Shift+4", TKFlags.LeftMod | TKFlags.KeyModUp] = o => print.it("trigger with flags");
//triggers that work only with some windows (when the window is active)
Triggers.Of.Window("* WordPad", "WordPadClass");
hk["Ctrl+F5"] = o => print.it("trigger action example 5", o.Trigger, o.Window);
//hk[""] = o => { };
// ...
Triggers.Of.Window(of: "notepad.exe"); //all windows of notepad.exe process
hk["Ctrl+F5"] = o => print.it("trigger action example 6", o.Trigger, o.Window);
//hk[""] = o => { };
hk["Ctrl+Shift+Enter"] = o =>keys.send("Home Enter");
// ...
Triggers.Of.Window("* - Jupyter Notebook - *", "Chrome_WidgetWin_*");
hk[" Ctrl+,"] = o => keys.more.sendKey(KKey.Down); //just disable. Does not disable Ctrl+CapsLock etc.
hk[" Ctrl+j"] = o => keys.more.sendKey(KKey.Left); //just disable. Does not disable Ctrl+CapsLock etc.
hk[" Ctrl+l"] = o => keys.more.sendKey(KKey.Right); //just disable. Does not disable Ctrl+CapsLock etc.
hk[" Ctrl+i"] = o => keys.more.sendKey(KKey.Up); //just disable. Does not disable Ctrl+CapsLock etc.
// ...
//disable or remap keys
//hk["CapsLock"] = o => { }; //just disable. Does not disable Ctrl+CapsLock etc.
//hk["?+Ins"] = o => keys.more.sendKey(KKey.Apps); //remap key. Also Ctrl+Ins etc. To remap keys, use keys.more.sendKey or keys.sendL, not keys.send.
//disable/enable triggers
hk["Ctrl+Alt+Win+D"] = o => ActionTriggers.DisabledEverywhere ^= true;
hk.Last.EnabledAlways = true;
void TriggerActionExample() {
print.it("trigger action example 3");