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popupMenu: m["xx"] has id=0
I am building a popupmenu doing

m = new popupMenu();
m["x1"] = o => { ... }
sel = m.Show();

(ok, it's more complex than that - but you get the idea.)
It dawned on me that I should check if the user pressed <Esc> (and possibly undo a few things). According to the doc, sel will be =0 if Esc and id of selected item otherwise.

Well...test have shown me that m["x1"] does not have an id. How can I assign one? (I can't figure out from the doc...)
To detect Cancel can be used m.Result.

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var m = new popupMenu();
m["x1"] = o => {; }; //no id
m.Add(5, "Explicitly set id");
m.Add("Auto-generated id");
m.Add("Explicitly set id", o => {; }).Id = 100;
int sel = m.Show();, m.Result); //m.Result null if canceled

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