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My question is this, I am trying to run yahoo messenger from the program manager or "Desktop" of my computer. My problem is, if the program is hiden, it will not run. The Default Action for this program is double mouse click, what I am trying to do is run it without the mouse click to get it to start up under any circumstance, such as the program being covered by another window.
Here is the code I have gotten so far.. I just can't figure the rest.
Any help appreciated.
Acc c=acc("Yahoo! Messenger" "LISTITEM" win("Program Manager" "Progman") "SysListView32" "" 0x1011)
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Accessible objects sometimes don't work if hidden. I cannot say why because it is managed by Windows, not by QM. Use run instead. To insert the code, drag and drop the messenger icon from desktop or windows explorer to qm.
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I did do that, but I have 4 computers. My kids all have the same messenger to talk to there friends, but my problem here is 2 are Vista computers and 2 are XP. What I wanted to accomplish was a function I could put on all computers for them to simpley push a button and it bring it up.
Is there any way at all to perform this task on all 4 of the computers without having to drag the Icon into QM to receive the run code?
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I think run and acc would do the same. Why acc is better?
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Well that code there runs the program, the only problem is, if you have another window on top of that program, the default action of a mouse click would not work. I am not sure what other option there is using acc.
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Yes, and therefore you cannot use acc. Instead use run.
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Ok thank you for your time..