09-07-2012, 05:56 AM
Function FF_KeyTriggerSingleDouble
Create new function (menu File / New / New Function). Name it FF_KeyTriggerSingleDouble. Open Properties, Function properties. Check 'This function is a filter function'. OK.
Example macro. The trigger is F9 with filter function FF_KeyTriggerSingleDouble.
Macro TestKeyTriggerSingleDoubleOR
Trigger F9 //FF_KeyTriggerSingleDouble
And this is for AND logic.
Function IsDoubleKeyTrigger
Macro TestKeyTriggerSingleDoubleAND
Trigger F11
function# iid FILTER&f
;This filter function can be used with keyboard triggers when the macro wants to know whether the trigger key was pressed one or two times.
;Assign this filter function to the macro (Properties / Keyboard / FF).
;The macro receives a single int argument that is 0 on single tap, 1 on double tap.
;Example macro:
;function isDoubleTrigger
;if isDoubleTrigger
;,out "double"
;,out "single"
;The macro runs on double tap OR on single tap. It does not run on single tap if double tap detected.
;On single tap, the macro starts with some delay. Need it to detect double tap.
;In QM 2.3.3, does not work with modifier keys (Ctrt, Shift etc). It is a bug in this QM version. Works only with single key triggers.
;Does not work with mouse triggers.
double detectDoubleTapTriggerTime=0.4 ;;0.4 s. You can change this.
;Don't change code below, unless you understand how it works and want to change something.
type __TRIGGERSD t __Handle'ev
__TRIGGERSD+ __g_tsd ;;global variable that stores previous trigger time etc
int timeoutMS=detectDoubleTapTriggerTime*1000 ;;convert to milliseconds
if &f ;;this function runs as a filter function when the user pressed a trigger key
,if(f.ttype!1) out "FF_KeyTriggerSingleDouble can be used only with keyboard triggers."; ret
,if(!__g_tsd.ev) __g_tsd.ev=CreateEvent(0 0 0 0)
,int t=GetTickCount ;;time now
,int td=t-InterlockedExchange(&__g_tsd.t t) ;;get time from previous time, and set __g_tsd.t=t
,;out td
,if td>=timeoutMS ;;more than 0.4 s since previous trigger key pressed. Start thread that waits 0.4 s and then launches macro with isDoubleTrigger=0.
,,mac "FF_KeyTriggerSingleDouble" "" iid
,else ;;detected double-key trigger. Launch the macro now with isDoubleTrigger=1.
,,SetEvent __g_tsd.ev ;;end the waiting thread
,,__g_tsd.t=0 ;;prevent detecting double tap on triple tap
,,mac iid "" 1 ;;run macro with isDoubleTrigger=1
,ret -1 ;; don't run any macros but eat the key if need
else ;;this function is started by mac
,wait detectDoubleTapTriggerTime H __g_tsd.ev
,err ;;timeout
,,if(GetTickCount-InterlockedExchange(&__g_tsd.t 0)<timeoutMS/2) ret ;;thread synchronization, to prevent starting 'double-tap' and 'single-tap' macros simultaneously if second tap is at ambiguous time
,,mac iid ;;run macro with isDoubleTrigger=0
,;if not timeout, setevent was called to end this thread
Create new function (menu File / New / New Function). Name it FF_KeyTriggerSingleDouble. Open Properties, Function properties. Check 'This function is a filter function'. OK.
Example macro. The trigger is F9 with filter function FF_KeyTriggerSingleDouble.
Macro TestKeyTriggerSingleDoubleOR
Trigger F9 //FF_KeyTriggerSingleDouble
And this is for AND logic.
Function IsDoubleKeyTrigger
;Call this at the beginning of a key-triggered macro.
;Returns 0 on single tap, 1 on double tap.
;Example macro:
;if IsDoubleKeyTrigger
;,out "double"
;,out "single"
;The macro runs on double tap AND on single tap. If need OR, instead use filter function FF_KeyTriggerSingleDouble.
;In QM 2.3.3, does not work with modifier keys (Ctrt, Shift etc). It is a bug in this QM version. Works only with single key triggers.
;Does not work with mouse triggers.
int+ __IDKT_Time
int isDouble=GetTickCount-__IDKT_Time<=400
__IDKT_Time=iif(isDouble 0 GetTickCount)
ret isDouble
Macro TestKeyTriggerSingleDoubleAND
Trigger F11