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Run Windows 8/10 store/metro apps
This is for older QM versions. Now instead use dialog "Run program". Select app window in the Window combo box and it will create the "shell:..." string.

Use this to create QM code to launch Windows store apps. Because code like run "c:\somewhere\appname.exe" cannot be used.

1. Run this macro. It opens a virtual "Applications" folder that contains app shortcuts.
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run "shell:AppsFolder"
2. Change view to "Details".
3. Add AppUserModelId column: Press F10. Click menu View -> Choose details. Check AppUserModelId. OK.
4. Run this macro to create QM code:
Macro Create code to run Windows 10 store apps
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;At first open Applications folder (run "shell:AppsFolder"), set Details view, add AppUserModelId column.
;Select one or more apps you need. Run this macro. It creates QM code to run the selected apps, and displays in QM output and also puts in clipboard.

int w=win("Applications" "CabinetWClass")
Acc a.Find(w "LIST" "Items View" "class=DirectUIHWND" 0x1005)
ARRAY(Acc) k; a.ObjectSelected(k)
str s; int i
for i 0 k.len
,a.Find(k[i].a "TEXT" "AppUserModelId" "" 0x1005)
,s+F"run ''shell:AppsFolder\{a.Value}''[]"
out s
5. Paste in a macro or menu/toolbar.

Menu Menu56
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Calculator :run "shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App"
Settings :run "shell:AppsFolder\windows.immersivecontrolpanel_cw5n1h2txyewy!"

Alternatively you can just drag and drop from Applications folder to QM. But it creates very long run line, like run ":: .........".

Another way - use an app name like a protocol, like run "calculator:". But then QM does not show icon in menu/toolbar.

Tested on Windows 10 build 9926.
Quote:Another way - use an app name like a protocol, like run "calculator:". But then QM does not show icon in menu/toolbar.

Just tested this, looks like using this method now does seem to allow QM to show the icons in toolbars and menus. Using Win 10 Pro version 1511 Build 10586.494.
I forgot to update this topic. Now updated:

This is for older QM versions. Now instead use dialog "Run program". Select app window in the Window combo box and it will create the "shell:..." string.

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