11-06-2015, 04:12 PM
I want to capture a image on the screen for e.g. from 500,700 coords to 600,950 coords. How should i code it.
I saw this in the resources but Not sure how to use it
I saw this in the resources but Not sure how to use it
function# x y width height [$saveToBmpFile] [int&getHbitmap]
Captures a rectangle region on the screen.
Returns: 1 success, 0 failed.
x, y, width, height - rectangle coordinates.
saveToBmpFile - will save to this bmp file. Use "" if don't want to save.
getHbitmap - int variable that receives bitmap handle. Use 0 if not needed. Later call DeleteObject.
Unlike <help>CaptureImageOrColor</help>, this function immediately captures the specified rectangle and does not interact with the user.
Can save the captured image to a bmp file, or get bitmap handle, or store in the clipboard.
If saveToBmpFile and getHbitmap not used, stores in the clipboard.
CaptureImageOnScreen 100 100 200 200
__MemBmp b
if(!b.Create(width height 1 x y)) ret
int r(1) action
if(!empty(saveToBmpFile)) ;;save
r=SaveBitmap(b.bm saveToBmpFile)
if(&getHbitmap and r) ;;get HBITMAP
if(!action) ;;store to the clipboard
if(r) EmptyClipboard; r=SetClipboardData(CF_BITMAP b.Detach)!0; CloseClipboard
ret r