03-16-2016, 03:39 PM
Is it possible to get the current active item (the clicked item in the item list at the left, which is marked blue when clicked on)
What I know:
Function get_current
Only option 3 works, when putting that code in a macro/function which is placed on a toolbar.
Pressing that macro/function on the toolbar get's the correct current clicked item.
The problem is that it can retrieve turncated/partial item names (because the 'open items' window may have small dimensions).
What I know:
Function get_current
;; 1 --- Get current item, is not a real option because when running this code
;; it always get's the name of THIS item ("get_current")
str cur_qmitem.getmacro(getopt(itemid) 1)
;; 2 --- Get calling item ("f" contains calling item)
;; Only works when calling THIS item name ("get_current")
str fs f; GetCallStack &fs 3 ;; 3=flags 1 AND 2
f.getl(fs 1)
;; 3 --- From the "Open items" list, get the most TOP item ("s" contains topmost item)
;; This is the only working option with one problem: it can contain partial (truncated) strings
int wMain=win("Quick Macros" "QM_Editor")
int w=id(2212 wMain) ;;list
RECT r; SetRect &r 17 -2 124 19
WindowText wt.Init(w r)
str s=wt.CaptureToString
;; 4 --- does not work
SendMessage(id(2202 w) TVM_GETITEMW 0 &q)
out q.name
Only option 3 works, when putting that code in a macro/function which is placed on a toolbar.
Pressing that macro/function on the toolbar get's the correct current clicked item.
The problem is that it can retrieve turncated/partial item names (because the 'open items' window may have small dimensions).