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LISTBOX: can it contain a code to underline a letter?

I have designed a ListBox that has content like:

(A) Item one
(B) Item two
© Item three

in that pressing the letter in parenthesis acts as a hotkey and executes the line's command (see attachement)

MY QUESTION: can you embed a letter code for any letter, so that it is underlined in the ListBox? -and thus have the appearance of the 'alt key' in a normal menu?



Attached Files Image(s)
Copy the _ from ... ertest.htm
And paste in QM before the character.

With default dialog font may not look good. Try other fonts.
Function Dialog193
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str dd=
;0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 224 136 "Dialog"
;3 ListBox 0x54230101 0x200 8 8 96 48 ""
;1 Button 0x54030001 0x4 116 116 48 14 "OK"
;2 Button 0x54030000 0x4 168 116 48 14 "Cancel"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040308 "*" "" "" ""

str controls = "3"
str lb3
lb3="(̲S) ssssss[](̲D) dddddddd"
if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc &controls)) ret

#sub DlgProc
function# hDlg message wParam lParam

sel message
,__Font-- f.Create("Courier new")
,f.SetDialogFont(hDlg "3")
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
sel wParam
,case IDOK
ret 1
Thanks and shall see how this goes?
Which one should I use from your linked page? the "UTF-8"?
This is the line of wherein the (S) is found:

case 2 mes "line-2 / (S)"

When you say, 'paste in front of' do you mean as:

case 2 mes "line-2 / (̲S)"

If so, I don't see any change?

Suggestions? Will the font need to be changed for this to at least be visible?
Copy the _ character from the editable input field, and in QM script paste before a character to make that character underlined.

In Options must be checked Unicode.

Run function Dialog193 to see how it looks. With default font looks not so good.
If I embed this into a listbox such as:

sel(ListDialog_24k(F"{LBXitem1ShowName} ..., etc., etc.
case 1 mes "line-1 / white-space"
case 2 mes "line-2 / (̲S)"

(ListDialog_24K is my edited version of this)

Where do I change the font?

Here is what I have done:

I've embedded that character in front of the 'S' of (S) as seen above
I checked the 'Unicode' options
Then I ran the macro, but I cannot see the _

YES, I did run your sample in 'Dialog 193' and it works there.
Sorry for any wasted time. I was actually placing the Unicode font in front of the 'S' in the wrong place or wrong fucntion

This does present another question. I have a simple function in this set called 'TranslateAndPublish'

This is where I set what is revealed in the ListBox.

Here is the content of this function


wait 0.15
LBXitem1ShowName=" "
LBXitem2ShowName="(̲S) item#1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _word"
LBXitem3ShowName="(D) item#2"
LBXitem4ShowName="(W) item#3"
LBXitem5ShowName="(E) item#4"
LBXitem6ShowName="(X) item#5"
LBXitem7ShowName="© item#6"
LBXitem8ShowName="(J) item#7"
LBXitem9ShowName="(K) item#8"
LBXitem10ShowName=" "
LBXitem12ShowName="No More Options" ;;default setting
LBXitem14ShowName=" "
LBXitem16ShowName="<--(Q) Esc or 'Quit'"
wait 0.01
mes "test" ;;for testing only

wait 0.01


Can I set a font for the text in this function, such as

__Font-- f.Create("Tahoma" 10)
f.SetDialogFont ("")

And would this change the font that is used in the function?
You can change dialog control font when you have dialog window handle.
In dialog procedure it is hDlg, and usually the best place is under case WM_INITDIALOG.
If you cannot edit dialog procedure, you can get dialog handle with win().

Function Function311
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int w=win("QM - Select" "#32770")
__Font+ g_fontCourierNew; if(!g_fontCourierNew) g_fontCourierNew.Create("Courier New" 10)
g_fontCourierNew.SetDialogFont(w "4")
Morning Gintaras!

If you have a little more time & patience I would appreciate more help? THANKS! ( I'm sure that you know this, BUT WHEN you provide the 'baby-steps' that I need in this situation, IT HELPS ALL Quick Macro users who are not programmers!!!!)

In the example below, where would I place your last instructions in order to change the font?

Lets say that I have:

a macro (below) that calls for

a function that assigns variables (the variables populate the listbox)

and then a function for the list box

MACRO "TESTdialogFont" begins *********************************************

wait 0.01

TESTdialogFont1 ;; call for function

MACRO ENDS *******************************************************************

FUNCTION "TESTdialogFont1" begins ***************************************

str+ LBXitem1ShowName="(̲S) item#1"
str+ LBXitem2ShowName="(̲D) item#2"
str+ LBXitem3ShowName="(̲F) item#3"

wait 0.1

TESTdialogFont2 ;; call for listbox function

FUNCTION ENDS ****************************************************************

FUNCTION "TESTdialogFont3" begins ****************************************

wait 0.5

sel(ListDialog(F"{LBXitem1ShowName}[]{LBXitem2ShowName}[]{LBXitem3ShowName}" "ListBoxTitle"))
case 1 mes "item-1 selected"
case 2 mes "item-2 selected"
case 3 mes "item-3 selected"
case else ret

wait 0.01

FUNCTION ENDS ****************************************************************
Macro Macro2723
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mac "sub.ChangeFont"
ListDialog("(̲S) ssssss[](̲D) dddddddd" "" "ListDialog85234")

#sub ChangeFont
int w=wait(30 WV win("ListDialog85234" "#32770" "qm")); err ret
__Font+ g_fontCourierNew; if(!g_fontCourierNew) g_fontCourierNew.Create("Courier New" 10)
g_fontCourierNew.SetDialogFont(w "4")
Ok, and where does this go SPECIFICALLY in my example of the macro with two functions?
mac "sub.ChangeFont" - before your ListDialog line.
#sub ... - at the bottom of the macro that calls ListDialog .
THANKS!!!!! -shall proceed!

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