07-29-2016, 05:08 AM
Function SetEndThreadHotkey
Macro Macro2718
This can be useful where the common hotkey (Pause) cannot be used:
To end a non-macro thread (function etc).
When the macro has property "run simultaneously".
When you want to use a separate end-thread hotkey for some macros.
This also can be used to end .exe macros, but probably it's better to set hotkey in the "Make exe" dialog.
function $hotkey
;Sets a hotkey to end current thread (running macro or function).
;hotkey - a single key without modifiers (Ctrl etc), specified as QM key code like with <help>key</help> and QM keyboard triggers.
;SetEndThreadHotkey "F8"
,;out 1
,;wait 1
int mod vk; if(!TO_HotkeyFromQmKeys(hotkey mod vk)) end "invalid hotkey string"
if(mod) end "modifier keys not supported"
QMTHREAD qt; GetQmThreadInfo(0 qt)
mac "sub.Thread" "" qt.threadhandle vk
#sub Thread
function ht vk
int- __ht82657(ht) __vk82657(vk)
int hh=SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL &sub.Hook_WH_KEYBOARD_LL _hinst 0)
opt waitmsg 1
wait 0 H ht
UnhookWindowsHookEx hh
function# nCode message KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT&k
if(nCode<0) goto gNext
if(k.flags&(LLKHF_UP|LLKHF_INJECTED)) goto gNext
int- __ht82657 __vk82657
if k.vkCode=__vk82657
,EndThread "" __ht82657
,ret 1
ret CallNextHookEx(0 nCode message &k)
Macro Macro2718
;add this line before the macro. Change the hotkey.
SetEndThreadHotkey "F12"
;your macro (example)
,out 1
,wait 1
This can be useful where the common hotkey (Pause) cannot be used:
To end a non-macro thread (function etc).
When the macro has property "run simultaneously".
When you want to use a separate end-thread hotkey for some macros.
This also can be used to end .exe macros, but probably it's better to set hotkey in the "Make exe" dialog.