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Sending commands from Android+Tasker to QM
Function dialog_HTTP_server_for_Tasker
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;This is a simple HTTP server that can receive and return data.
;Can be used for example to launch QM macros from other computers and smartphones.
;Below is instructions how to send commands from an Android mobile device with Tasker.

;On your Android device install Tasker app. It is for sending HTTP requests. Costs $2.99. Or find a free app that can send HTTP requests.
;In Tasker create new task and add action HTTP Post.
;;;Set field Server:Port, like As Server, use one of IP addresses that you can see in QM Options -> Network. The 5033 is server's port that is used in this macro, see below.
;;;Set field Data / File. Can be any text or variable or file. At first just for testing.
;;;Set field Content Type, like text/plain.
;;;Optionally set field Output File, like Documents/test1.txt. Only if you want to receive some data from QM.

;Run this function and in the dialog click button Start.
;Run the Tasker task.
;;;In QM output you should see Tasker's HTTP POST request that includes data at the end.
;;;If was set Output File, the task creates the file. It contains text DATA.

if(getopt(nthreads)>1) ret ;;allow single instance
#compile "__TcpSocket"

str dd=
;0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 230 116 "TCP server"
;4 Static 0x54000000 0x0 170 8 22 12 "Port"
;5 Edit 0x54032000 0x200 196 6 32 14 "port"
;6 Button 0x54032000 0x0 6 6 48 14 "Start"
;7 Button 0x5C032000 0x0 58 6 48 14 "Stop"
;14 Static 0x54000000 0x0 6 30 36 12 "Response"
;15 Edit 0x54231044 0x200 46 28 182 85 "res"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2030300 "*" "" ""

str controls = "5 15"
str e5por e15res

;minimal HTTP response with no data.
;e15res="HTTP/1.1 200 OK[][]"

;HTTP response with some data.
e15res="HTTP/1.1 200 OK[]Content-Type: text/plain[]Content-Length: 4[][]DATA"

if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc &controls 0 0 0 0 0 0 100)) ret

#sub DlgProc
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
TcpSocket- t_server
sel message
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
sel wParam
,case 6 ;;Start
,t_server.ServerStart(GetDlgItemInt(hDlg 5 0 0) &sub.OnClientConnected hDlg 1)
,EnableWindow lParam 0
,EnableWindow id(7 hDlg) 1
,case 7 ;;Stop
,EnableWindow lParam 0
,EnableWindow id(6 hDlg) 1
ret 1

err+ out _error.description

#sub OnClientConnected
function TcpSocket&client $clientIp hDlg !*reserved

;This function is called in server side, when a client connects.
;This function runs in separate thread for each client connection.

out F"<><z 0xc0ffff>SERVER: client connected:</z> {clientIp}"

str s
client.Receive(s 1000)
out F"<><Z 0xc0ffff>SERVER: client request:</Z>"
out s

s.getwintext(id(15 hDlg))

err+ out _error.description

Attached Files
.qml   TcpSocket.qml (Size: 19 KB / Downloads: 544)
This works perfectly!!!!!!

Just to re-iterate like stated in the green comment, make sure:
  • You actually press "start" in the dialog
  • Within in QM in the menu above: TOOLS > OPTIONS > tab: NETWORK , you see your machines IP. Use this IP in TASKER
  • The port you enter in tasker matches the port you enter this (above) dialog
  • Make sure your ROUTER and WINDOWS-Firewall doesn't block the port you entered. (above dialog and tasker)
  • Set "Content Type" in tasker to: text/plain

This is amazing, thank you again for putting time in this!!!
Android and windows using QM can communicate with each other!!!
Thank you both Gintaras for the wonderful HTTP Server Dialog to receive input from Tasker (android device) and Ron for the nitty gritty details in setting up the connection with tasker within QM app.

I'm looking forward to seeing more examples on this topic like:
- Sending image/file/audio/video from PC/Laptop to Android machine and vice versa.
- Activate/run an app in android phone by using QM on PC/Laptop and vice versa.

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