08-16-2006, 05:05 PM
how do i navigate to another directory in an existing windows explorer window ?
i tried open folder with no success so far (can't find the right combination).
there must be a better way than my acc tricks.
i tried open folder with no success so far (can't find the right combination).
there must be a better way than my acc tricks.
function $string1 mode [menu] ;; string path - mode 1=explorer 2=filedialog
int i hwnd=win()
if mode = 1
,mode=win("" "ExploreWClass")
str path.expandpath(string1)
str txt
str cla.getwinclass(mode)
int rx ry rw rh; GetWinXY hwnd rx ry rw rh
sel cla
,case "ExploreWClass"
,,,act mode
,,,path.setwintext(child("" "Edit" mode 0x5))
,,,act child("" "Edit" mode 0x5)
,,,key Y
,case "#32770"
,,Acc b=acc("Dateiname:" "TEXT" hwnd "Edit" "" 0x1801 0x0 0x20000040)
,,str selected=b.Value
,,if len(b.Value)=0
,,,but id(1 hwnd)
,,,but id(1 hwnd)