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FTP prob
I'm trying to check the existence of a file on a Unix box via ftp (I use WS_Ftp and batch file ftp to dnld from it regularly) but I keep getting an error.
I can get it to download the file but I don't want it to download it just check to see if it is there (I thought to use "modtime") and if the str is "" then wait and retry the process.

However, I can't seem to get the ".Cmd" function to work even with "ls".

Quote:str ss

Ftp f.Connect("#######" "********" "##*##*####")
f.Cmd("ls" &ss 1)
out ss

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
To check file existence, use Dir. The Cmd function isn't reliable, eg often hangs. The "Is" may be not supported, also, it should include filename, eg "IS myfile.htm".

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