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A few small macros

I just found Quick Macros yesterday — It looks really cool. Smile

Would anyone have some simple macros to share? Here are a few short ones I’ve been finding useful...

Replace with m-dash (a TS Menu, triggered by “-”)
; This just replaces pairs of dashes with an m-dash.
; You’ll want to exclude any email or programming editors.

- :"—"

Toggle Window (a macro, triggered by whatever you like)
; Switches a window between normal and maximized size.
; I have no idea what 0x16CF0000 and 0x17CF0000
; are supposed to represent. But they seem to identify normal
; and maximized windows.

int winStyle = GetWinStyle(win)
if (winStyle == 0x16CF0000)
else if (winStyle == 0x17CF0000)

Volume up (a macro triggered by (175) )
; (175) is the special key code for the volume up button on keyboards
; which happen to have such a key. (Use 174 for volume down.)
; Trivial as this macro looks, it’s still useful — I get to hear the volume
; after pressing the button, which makes it easier to choose a good
; setting.


Vertical zoom (a macro, triggered by whatever you like)
; This vertically stretches a window.

int left top width height
int taskbarHeight = 32
int topLoss = 5 ;; How far above the top of the screen to put the top of the window

GetWinXY(win() &left &top &width &height)
mov left -topLoss
int theHeight = ScreenHeight - taskbarHeight + topLoss
siz width theHeight
9: ) Lindsey Dubb
you bet. ive got a tonne of macros that i use for general and specific use.
some to adjust the window size by %10 up or down; to move the window to the top of the screen; reset window size to a general size. stuff like that; even stuff to open a new email fill in the addresses/subject/message and waits for me to hit send.
contact me at [email protected] for more info on these and others.


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