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Email account settings
OK im going to try hotmail and see if i can figure that one out, i will post back.
ok hotmail will not work because they use HTTP protocol for connecting and from what i know so far...QM does not support that...yet? If im wrong please correct me and maybe an example...thanks.

going to go look at aol mail now see if its different there.
Can some one kindly upload a working example for email using gmail same as qm_experts so i can see what to do more easier, i keep trying but im getting nowhere.

Make sure you have QM version or latest
or Download and replace MailGetSSL

.qml   MailGetSSL.qml (Size: 491 bytes / Downloads: 491)
Make sure that POP and IMAP are enabled on your Gmail account

Here is a working Example of gmail settingsSadif it returns 0, that means there are no new messages)
Copy      Help
;For some reason ReceiveMail does not recognize emails sent from "me" in Gmail.
;Two Accounts must be used for this example.

,;Test Account
,;Username - [email protected]
,;Password - QuickMacrosPassword

,;Settings Account
,;Username - [email protected]
,;Password - QuickMacrosPassword
,;Incoming Mail (POP3) Server - requires SSL:
,;Use SSL: Yes
,;Port: 995
,;Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - requires TLS:
,; (use authentication)
,;Use Authentication: Yes
,;Use STARTTLS: Yes (some clients call this SSL)
,;Port: 465 or 587
,;Account Name: your full email address (including or
,;Email Address: your email address ([email protected] or
,;Password: your Gmail password

str Test=
;smtp_port 465
;smtp_user [email protected]
;smtp_password DC5C2D557CD22E74071CDE7F3583611FB8AF817B3135C70005
;smtp_auth 2
;smtp_secure 1
;smtp_timeout 60
;smtp_email [email protected]
;smtp_displayname [email protected]
;smtp_replyto [email protected]
;pop_port 995
;pop_user [email protected]
;pop_password DC5C2D557CD22E74071CDE7F3583611FB8AF817B3135C70005
;pop_auth 0
;pop_secure 1
;pop_timeout 60

str Settings=
;smtp_port 465
;smtp_user [email protected]
;smtp_password DC5C2D557CD22E74071CDE7F3583611FB8AF817B3135C70005
;smtp_auth 2
;smtp_secure 1
;smtp_timeout 60
;smtp_email [email protected]
;smtp_displayname [email protected]
;smtp_replyto [email protected]
;pop_port 995
;pop_user [email protected]
;pop_password DC5C2D557CD22E74071CDE7F3583611FB8AF817B3135C70005
;pop_auth 0
;pop_secure 1
;pop_timeout 60

SendMail "[email protected]" "Welcome to QM Mail" "Congrats...You just sent and received email using Quick Macros" 0x100 "" "" "" "" "" Test
ARRAY(str) a; int i nmessages
nmessages=ReceiveMail(Settings 0x1000000 "$desktop$\pop" a)
if nmessages=0
,goto Check_Email
_s.format("Number of new messages downloaded: %i" nmessages)
out "******************************************************"
out _s
out "******************************************************"
for i 0 a.len
,out a[i]
Dir d
foreach(d "$Desktop$\pop\*.eml" FE_Dir)
,str sPath=d.FileName(1)
,MailBee.Message m._create
,str subj=m.Subject
,str body=m.BodyText
,out subj
,out body
,out "---------------------------------------------------"

This will send an email from [email protected] to [email protected]
QM will download new messages from gmail.
Will delete any old messages from directory "$Desktop$\pop"
Store the .eml files in directory "$Desktop$\pop"
Then will grab the subject and body using MailBee for each new email in directory "$Desktop$\pop"

If everything works, should output:
Copy      Help
Number of new messages downloaded: 1
C:\Documents and Settings\The Vig Music\Desktop\pop\Welcome to QM Mail.eml
Welcome to QM Mail
Congrats...You just sent and received email using Quick Macros

Thanks for that Vig your a star! Its working, had to tweak a few bits but got there in the end....
can i send emails from other peoples computers as an example ...i want my mac to email me from some one elses computer like an auto responder so when some person clicks a certain button on the mac it will email me a notification to tell me they wish to subscribe to something 'kind of thing'.sorry for the bad example but thats what im trying to do as i write ebooks and want a auto responder button for my clients which they click and it will instantly email me so i know to contact them back instead of bugging people who wish not to recieve newsletters and this possible?

I'm not sure if I get the full picture, but if they have an internet connection and are running your program on their computer and the account is configured, you could get emails sent no prob...hypothetically as I have not tested.

I'm not sure I'm getting your example well...Lay it out a bit better and I'll see what I can do.

Oh...what did you have to tweek? The example wouldn't work right away for you? Or did you just change preferences in the way it worked?
Thanks for the reply Vig, Il try explain as best as i can,

i would give my clients my macro which contains various functions for Ebook viewing which i write,(done)
I want a button on the macro which when clicked will send an email from there own computer to me with confirmation text,
so lets say i gave you my macro when you clicked supbscribe it would send me an email to my gmail account which then i can respond to you with newsletters and such,

example premade email saying:
subject: filthyrichkid....
message: user 123 has subscibed to newsletter!

now i know how to send emails through gmail from your previous posts im just looking for a way so my clients can click the button and the email gets sent to me....would my client need to have my email account senttings set up on there quick macro?

As for you previous gmail account settings which i tweaked it was for my own preferences and it did work first time.Thanks again.
This is all kind of lumped into one example that works...You'd have to break it up:
Function Add_to_Emailing_List
Copy      Help
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
if(hDlg) goto messages

;0 "" 0x90C80A44 0x100 0 0 157 23 "Email List"
;1 Button 0x54030001 0x4 105 5 48 14 "Subscribe"
;3 Edit 0x54030080 0x200 5 5 96 14 ""
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2030002 "" "" ""
str controls = "3"
str e3
if(!ShowDialog("Add_to_Emailing_List" &Add_to_Emailing_List &controls)) ret

sel message
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
sel wParam
,case IDOK
,str Email.getwintext(id(3 win("Email List" "#32770")))
,str Test=
,;smtp_port 465
,;smtp_user [email protected]
,;smtp_password DC5C2D557CD22E74071CDE7F3583611FB8AF817B3135C70005
,;smtp_auth 2
,;smtp_secure 1
,;smtp_timeout 60
,;smtp_email [email protected]
,;smtp_displayname [email protected]
,;smtp_replyto [email protected]
,;pop_port 995
,;pop_user [email protected]
,;pop_password DC5C2D557CD22E74071CDE7F3583611FB8AF817B3135C70005
,;pop_auth 0
,;pop_secure 1
,;pop_timeout 60
,str Settings=
,;smtp_port 465
,;smtp_user [email protected]
,;smtp_password DC5C2D557CD22E74071CDE7F3583611FB8AF817B3135C70005
,;smtp_auth 2
,;smtp_secure 1
,;smtp_timeout 60
,;smtp_email [email protected]
,;smtp_displayname [email protected]
,;smtp_replyto [email protected]
,;pop_port 995
,;pop_user [email protected]
,;pop_password DC5C2D557CD22E74071CDE7F3583611FB8AF817B3135C70005
,;pop_auth 0
,;pop_secure 1
,;pop_timeout 60
,str BodyText.format("|RUN EMAIL MAILING LIST PROGRAM|%s" Email)
,SendMail "[email protected]" "Subscription to Email" BodyText 0 "" "" "" "" "" Test

,,;This would be a seperate program running...
,ARRAY(str) a; int i nmessages
,nmessages=ReceiveMail(Settings 0x1000000 "$desktop$\pop" a)
,;Take this little bit out to have it check messages once
,;Leave in to have run until a message is found
,if nmessages=0
,,goto Check_Email

,_s.format("Number of new messages downloaded: %i" nmessages)
,out "******************************************************"
,out _s
,out "******************************************************"
,for i 0 a.len
,,out a[i]
,Dir d
,foreach(d "$Desktop$\pop\*.eml" FE_Dir)
,,str sPath=d.FileName(1)
,,MailBee.Message m._create
,,str subj=m.Subject
,,str body=m.BodyText
,,out subj
,,out body
,,out "---------------------------------------------------"
,,ARRAY(str) arr
,,int nt
,,nt = tok(body arr -1 "|" 8)
,,,SendMail arr[1] "Thanks for Subscribing" "Thank you for subscribing to my emailing list" 0 "" "" "" "" "" Settings
,,,arr[1].setfile("$Desktop$\Mailing List.txt" -1 -1 1)
,,,mes _s.format("%s was added to the mailing list and was properly thanked!" arr[1])
,,,out _s
ret 1
Wow thanks Vig, and yes il need to make adjustments to combine with my own prefrences but this example is just what i was looking for il make use of this for sure hopefully when ive completed the macro i can post it on the forum to show you how it turned out.

should help a few other people to.

Thanks again for the help!

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