I have a macro that opens a report off a web site, copies the data to excel and then closes the report web page. It does this process 19 times using 2 functions.
The problem is that I receive the window not found error at different times in the macro. Sometimes I can run the macro through 17 of the reports. The next time I run the macro I can only get through 3 reports. Run it again and get through 15 of the reports.
I am trying to figure out why I receive this error and why at different times. Any ideas of what to look for?
I have slowed the macro done to spe 500.
I close the report window by name.
I always re-activate the menu window prior to selecting the report.
1. I recommend to use window handles.
2. Remember that initial function's speed is 0. Maybe it runs too fast.
3. I think the function should wait for the report window, even if it waits while IE is busy.
function ie str'ButtonName str'SheetName [intake] ;Deb spe 100 ;;because initial function's speed is 0 act ie Acc rep1=acc(ButtonName "PUSHBUTTON" ie "Internet Explorer_Server" "" 0x1001)
rep1.DoDefaultAction wait 0 I int ie2=act(wait(10 "PEDS - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by CS&O"))
if(intake) ,'TTTTTTTTTiT0
Acc a=acc("Run Report" "PUSHBUTTON" ie2 "Internet Explorer_Server" "" 0x1001)
a.DoDefaultAction wait 0 I men 41028 ie2 ;;Select All men 41026 ie2 ;;Copy 0.2