Run this or call from a macro.
;Clears cache of QM Internet functions and web browser control.
;Code from:
long groupId
int cacheEntryInfoBufferSizeInitial cacheEntryInfoBufferSize enumHandle returnValue
int* cacheEntryInfoBuffer
// Delete the groups first.
// Groups may not always exist on the system.
// For more information, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
// By default, a URL does not belong to any group. Therefore, that cache may become
// empty even when the CacheGroup APIs are not used because the existing URL does not belong to any group.
enumHandle = FindFirstUrlCacheGroup(0, CACHEGROUP_SEARCH_ALL, 0, 0, &groupId, 0);
,// If there are no items in the Cache, you are finished.
,if(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == GetLastError()) FindCloseUrlCache enumHandle; ret
,// Loop through Cache Group, and then delete entries.
,,// Delete a particular Cache Group.
,,returnValue = DeleteUrlCacheGroup(groupId, CACHEGROUP_FLAG_FLUSHURL_ONDELETE, 0);
,,if (!returnValue && ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == GetLastError())
,,,returnValue = FindNextUrlCacheGroup(enumHandle, &groupId, 0);
,,if (!returnValue && (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == GetLastError() || ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == GetLastError()))
,FindCloseUrlCache enumHandle
// Start to delete URLs that do not belong to any group.
enumHandle = FindFirstUrlCacheEntry(0, 0, &cacheEntryInfoBufferSizeInitial);
if(enumHandle == 0 && ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == GetLastError())
cacheEntryInfoBufferSize = cacheEntryInfoBufferSizeInitial;
internetCacheEntry = +malloc(cacheEntryInfoBufferSize);
enumHandle = FindFirstUrlCacheEntry(0, internetCacheEntry, &cacheEntryInfoBufferSizeInitial);
,cacheEntryInfoBufferSizeInitial = cacheEntryInfoBufferSize;
,;out internetCacheEntry.lpszSourceUrlName
,returnValue = DeleteUrlCacheEntry(internetCacheEntry.lpszSourceUrlName);
,if (!returnValue)
,,returnValue = FindNextUrlCacheEntry(enumHandle, internetCacheEntry, &cacheEntryInfoBufferSizeInitial);
,int dwError = GetLastError();
,if (!returnValue && ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == dwError)
,if (!returnValue && cacheEntryInfoBufferSizeInitial > cacheEntryInfoBufferSize)
,,cacheEntryInfoBufferSize = cacheEntryInfoBufferSizeInitial;
,,internetCacheEntry = +realloc(internetCacheEntry, cacheEntryInfoBufferSize);
,,returnValue = FindNextUrlCacheEntry(enumHandle, internetCacheEntry, &cacheEntryInfoBufferSizeInitial);
FindCloseUrlCache enumHandle