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Run two clips at the same time on two monitors
I work for a non-profit school in Sweden, we offer people of all ages free education.
In the end of October my company will attend an exhibition on education and we'll display how we do "flipped-classroom".
The idea is to have two monitors, one showing the teachers UI and the other monitor will display the view a student have.
We're going to record a total of 6 clips so both teachers and future students can see how it looks when you sit from home and study.
My thought is to create three macros that will start two clips at the same time on two monitors.
Hook this macro up to numpad number 1, 2 and 3 and craft a nice, 3 button box.

So, when a person clicks on a button two clips start simultaneously, showing a conversation between a teacher and a student.
After the clip ends screensaver is started, showing pictures with information.

I've used the "MoveWindowToMonitor", the problem I'm having is to start two clips at the same time.
All I get is clip #1 started and right after, in the same window but diffirent monitor, clip #2 starts.

I'm sorry if this is considered a rookie question, but I simply can't figure this out.

The 3 button box can be easily created with Dialogs. Search for Dialogs in the searchbar of Quick Macros.

About the videos the best option is to have both video players (I would choose VLC) loaded in full screen and as soon as you push one button on your macro button box they start. And this will be at the same time.

That's what I would do Smile
example with Notepad
Macro Macro2132
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int w
run "$system$\notepad.exe" "" "" "" 0x2000 win("Untitled - Notepad" "Notepad") w
MoveWindowToMonitor w 1
run "$system$\notepad.exe" "" "" "" 0x2000 win("Untitled - Notepad" "Notepad") w
MoveWindowToMonitor w 2

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