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Win 10 Virtual Desktops
Using the virtual desktops feature in Windows 10, what is the best way to move a window to a specific virtual desktop, or set it to be shown on multiple desktops?
There are Windows API to move windows of current process, but not of other processes.
If other process, need to create a dll, inject it to the window's process and call the API from there. QM cannot do it.

To show on all desktops, try
Can use keys.


Macro Move active window to next virtual desktop
Trigger CSd 0x4     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
Copy      Help
;support multiple monitors, part 1
int wa=win; if(!wa) ret
int hmon=MonitorFromWindow(wa 0); if(!hmon) ret
int nTab=(MonitorIndex(hmon)-1)*2
;open desktop switcher window
key WT
int wtv=wait(5 WV win("Task View" "MultitaskingViewFrame"))
;support multiple monitors, part 2 (tested only with 2 monitors)
if(nTab) key T(#nTab)
;open context menu, and its submenu "Move to"
key Mm
;select first item and close the desktop switcher window
key Y Z

;tested: no accessible objects in the switcher window

Also the context menu has "Show this window on all desktops" ...
Hopefully Microsoft will improve the API in the future, for now the key method works great for my purposes.
Thank you for looking into this!

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