In the use of QM software process, often used breakpoint command、output clear command, the default command of the hotkeys is M-click, look at the following picture, but now many mouse are the mouse wheel as Middle Key, the use is not convenient, if I can put the hotkey into the mouse double-click, much more convenient, I did not find the option to set the option hotkey, so consult! Explained as follows:
Click the row number: can select the current row (default)
Right-click the line number: can comment on the current line (default)
Double-click the line number: can breakpoint the current line
double-click in the blank space of the output window: clear output
if(win(mouse)!=_hwndqm)ret int c=child(mouse);if(c=0)ret selGetWinId(c) ,case2201;;output ,out;;clear , ,case [2210,2211] ,POINT p;xm p c 1 ,wait0.001 CU 0x1395BEB4C;errret ,key UCb
Can you help me to add a few hotkeys? Thank you very much!
A、Double click on item: open the item properties dialog box
B、In the item list blank area, do the following:
1.double click: create a new macro Ctrl + double-click: create a new folder Alt + double-click: create a new function Ctrl + Alt + double click: create a member function Shfit + double-click: create a new menu Ctrl + Shfit + double click: create a new toolbar
Open items blank area double click: close all, collapse Folder
Open items item's name double-click: close item