01-17-2017, 02:51 AM
Referring to QM topic Spelling checker : I came up with reading the dictionary in my native language, using the following functions :
Function tempf12
Member function str.ToUnicode
Any advice for a more efficient - elegant solution to either this implementation or that in the above topic will be much appreciated.
Function tempf12
str sf="C:\Documents and Settings\S.E.Simopoulos\My QM\Aspell\dict\el.rws"
str sout s
int l new
rep 1500 ;; in this example I read only a small part of it
,sout.getfile(sf new)
,if l=0
,,out F"{l} {sout}"
Member function str.ToUnicode
function [str'sinp]
if empty(sinp)
,str s=this
s.unicode(s CP_ACP)
Any advice for a more efficient - elegant solution to either this implementation or that in the above topic will be much appreciated.