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Reading Aspell Dictionary in native language
Referring to QM topic Spelling checker : I came up with reading the dictionary in my native language, using the following functions :

Function tempf12
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str sf="C:\Documents and Settings\S.E.Simopoulos\My QM\Aspell\dict\el.rws"
str sout s
int l new

rep 1500 ;; in this example I read only a small part of it
,sout.getfile(sf new)
,if l=0
,,out F"{l} {sout}"

Member function str.ToUnicode
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function [str'sinp]

if empty(sinp)
,str s=this
s.unicode(s CP_ACP)

Any advice for a more efficient - elegant solution to either this implementation or that in the above topic will be much appreciated.
New, improved approach :

Function tempf14
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str sf="C:\Documents and Settings\S.E.Simopoulos\My QM\Aspell\dict\el.rws"
str sout s sl
int i l n is ie

for i 0 1500
,if s[i]<>0; continue
,if is=ie
,sl.get(s is ie)
;,out F"{is} {ie} {sl}"
,sout.formata("%s[]" sl)

out sout

I would replace ToUnicode with ConvertEncoding(CP_ACP -1), and do it before for. Also formata -> addline.
Many thanks !
I am afraid that if you put ConvertEncoding(CP_ACP -1) before for (s.ConvertEncoding(CP_ACP -1)) it does not work. However, if you replace sl.ToUnicode with sl.ConvertEncoding(CP_ACP -1) it is OK. Am I missing something?
Your code is correct. Probably depends on file format. Or does not work if you put it after l=s.len.

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