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If a folder is not empty, do something
I was not able to create a function with this condition. I tried the following code:

if(FileExists("$user profile$\01\*.*"))
    ReplaceToolbarButtonText 0 "Not empty" "File Explorer toolbar"

It works if I refer to some specific file, but it does not work if I use asterisks to refer to any kind of file, as I did in the above code.
Try this function

if IsFileExist("$user profile$\01\*.*")
    ReplaceToolbarButtonText 0 "Not empty" "File Explorer toolbar"

Function IsFileExist
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function# str'file

lpstr s=dir(_s.expandpath(file))
if(s=0) ret 0
ret 1
Let’s suppose that the folder I want to check is C:\

What should be the code for the function?
Macro Macro33
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if IsFileExist("c:\*.*")
,;do something
Have you tested your code?
I've tested on my part. What about you, did you try it out? What did you notice?
I see a couple issues with this function 
#1. if folder contains subfolders and has files doesn't detect it.
#2. dir is an obsolete function

Maybe something like this would be better

Function IsFolderEmpty
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function# str'folderpath

;checks folder and its subfolders(if they exist) to see if it's empty or not
;;folderpath- must end with a \ and be top level of folder to check(subfolders are automatically checked)
;;folderpath example- $documents$\test folder\   (test folder is the desired(TopLevel) folder to check)
;;Returns: 1 if folder is not empty, 0 if  folder is empty or If folder doesn't exist

;if IsFolderEmpty("$documents$\test folder\")
,;out "not empty"
;if !IsFolderEmpty("$documents$\test folder\")
,;out "empty"
;int ReturnValue=IsFolderEmpty("$documents$\test folder\")
;out ReturnValue

str folder.getpath(folderpath "\*")
Dir d
foreach(d folder FE_Dir 0|4|32)
,if d.dir("*.*" 0)
,,ret 1
ret 0
Macro MacroExample
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if IsFolderEmpty("$documents$\test folder\")
,out "not empty"
 this is not  the only solution 
Feel free to correct or improve on this function or offer different solutions
Kevin you're right, "dir" is now obsolete. So now I update my "IsFileExist" function to this:
Function IsFileExist
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function# str'file

Dir d; str s
foreach(d _s.expandpath(file) FE_Dir 0|4|32)
,s = d.FileName
,if s.len
,,ret 1
ret 0

Macro IsFileExist Test
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;Note: folders ("c:\x1" and "d:\z1" are just empty folders for testing only.
str files=

str file
foreach file files
,if IsFileExist(file)
,,out F"{file} exist."
,,out F"{file} is NONE!"

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