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is it possible to use lef in two different locations at the same time?

see example below, it presses down, waits 3 seconds, and releases mouse

can this be done in multiple locations simultaneously? maybe with command other then lef? needs to press down on mouse wait 3 seconds, then release mouse.

Macro Macro1
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int w=win("Program Manager" "Progman")
lef+ 345 597 w 1 ;;list 'Desktop', list item 'SONJ MESH PRINT'
Probably not. The target window would see it as a mouse drag operation.
is there an alternate to lef that emulates mouse down and up using screen coordinates?
Use PostMessage with WM_LBUTTONDOWN and WM_LBUTTONUP. Works not with all windows/controls. Documented in MSDN.
Not sure if possible in virtual machine?

for context:

end goal; send click command in same exact location on multiple virtual machine instances simultaneously.
Function PostLeftClickMessage
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function w x y [flags] ;;flags: 1 down only, 2 up only, 4 activate window, 8 move mouse

;Posts message WM_LBUTTONDOWN and/or WM_LBUTTONUP to window w or its child control at that point.

;w - window or control.
;x, y - point coordinates in w client area.

;It is an alternative to lef. With some windows works even if the window is not active.
;Works not with all windows/controls. Try flag 4 or/and 8.
;Does not wait until the window receives and processes the message.

;int w=win("Notepad")
;PostLeftClickMessage(w 10 10)

if(w=0) end ERR_WINDOW

if(flags&4) act w
if(flags&8) mou x y w 1

int w1=child(x y w 8); err
if(w1) MapWindowPoints(w w1 +&x 1); w=w1

int lparam=MakeInt(x y)
if(flags&2=0) PostMessage w WM_LBUTTONDOWN MK_LBUTTON lparam
if(flags&1=0) PostMessage w WM_LBUTTONUP 0 lparam
thank you very nice function

sadly, does not work in virtual machine window
Any other possible solution for clicking inside virtual machine without using mouse?
Run QM in virtual machine. I don't know more solutions.

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