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Send key sequence to window until specific value in child field
I need to run a loop sending a keys sequence and testing certain field for value and if the value is not meeting condition, reloop:

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int wMain=win("" "*.Window.*" "KeePass")
if(!wMain) ret;
int w=child("" "*.Window.*" wMain 0x0 "wfName=m_pbQuality")
if(!w) ret;
WindowText wt.Init(w)
'VDDY           ;; Space (40) (40) Enter
wait 50
str s=wt.CaptureToString
x = ????? ;; <===== extract the integer part from s
if(x < 52) goto g1

1. How do I extract the integer part from 's' when it contains text like "57 bits" ?
2. Is it better to use WindowText wt.Init(w), wt.CaptureToString or s.getwintext(w) ?
I am not sure about my advice, but it might get you started.

I think (repeat: think) s.getwintext(w) works faster and therefore is better IF it works on the object/interface you are interacting with.
If getwintext does not work then try "CaptureToString". I think "CaptureToString" is more complex (might contain advanced text-recognition code? or advanced text extraction code?). While "getwintext" extracts texts directly assuming the object contains textual data (window title,....etc...)

Below some examples regarding extracting the integer part.

Macro Macro41
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;; The below code finds/extracts numeric value from string
;; but after finding/extracting the numeric value it is still stored in an string variable
;; in order to do arithmetic and bitwise based actions (x*y , x<y,...) you must convert it to an integer or double
;; in your case integer. That's why you need i1, i2 , i3, i4 or i5 (see below code)

;; If you are 100% sure:
;;  - string BEGINS with numeric value
;;  - and everything after that can be ignored
;; example: "56 bits"

int i1
str s1="111 bits,...some other bla bla"
str s1_rgx="^[0-9]+"
str s1_result
findrx(s1 s1_rgx 0 0 s1_result) ;;"s1_result" now contains "111" but it is string
i1=val(s1_result) ;; convert contents of "s1_result" to integer value
out i1


;; If you are 100% sure:
;;  - string ENDS with numeric value
;;  - and everything before that can be ignored
;; example: "bits 56"

int i2
str s2="text text and more text bits 222"
str s2_rgx="[0-9]+$"
str s2_result
findrx(s2 s2_rgx 0 0 s2_result) ;;"s2_result" now contains "222" but it is string
i2=val(s2_result) ;; convert contents of "s2_result" to integer value
out i2


;; If you are 100% sure:
;;  - string contains ONE set of numeric value(s)
;;  - and everything before AND after that can be ignored
;; example: "there are 56 bits" , this example does not work correctly when you work with a string like this "123 there are 4 bits", result would be: "1234"
;; In other words extract numeric value from string

int i3
str s3="there are 333 bits followed by some text"
str s3_rgx="[^0-9]+"
s3.replacerx(s3_rgx "") ;; All NONE numeric characters have been removed, "333" only remains but it is string
i3=val(s3) ;; convert contents of "s3" to integer value, you can now use 'i3' for
out i3


;; Below 2 other examples you might have some use for

;; If we want to extract the numeric value from string '444 bits'
;; It also works if there are more then one spaces between '444' and 'bits'
;; or if there are no spaces between '444' and 'bits'
;; 'bits' can be upper or lowercase
str s4="123 there are 444 Bits test 123"
str s4_rgx="[0-9]+\s*bits" ;; The regex contains 'bits' in lowercase but below 'findrx' and 'findreplace' have the '1' flag set, meaning 'Case insensitive'
str s4_result
findrx(s4 s4_rgx 0 1 s4_result)
s4_result.findreplace("bits" "" 1) ;; remove 'bits' (case insensitive) from string "s4_result"
s4_result.trim ;; s4_result still contains an empty space, 'trim' removes empty space from beginning AND end of string
int i4=val(s4_result) ;; put contents of 's4_result' in integer 'i4'
out i4

;; If we want to extract the numeric value from string 'bits 555'
;; It also works if there are more then one spaces between '555' and 'bits'
;; or if there are no spaces between '555' and 'bits'
;; 'bits' can be upper or lowercase
str s5="123 there are Bits 555 test 123" ;; Not a normal situation, but wanted to show the reversed way
str s5_rgx="bits\s*[0-9]+" ;; The regex contains 'bits' in lowercase but below 'findrx' and 'findreplace' have the '1' flag set, meaning 'Case insensitive'
str s5_result
findrx(s5 s5_rgx 0 1 s5_result)
s5_result.findreplace("bits" "" 1) ;; remove 'bits' (case insensitive) from string "s5_result"
s5_result.trim ;; s5_result still contains an empty space, 'trim' removes empty space from beginning AND end of string
int i5=val(s5_result) ;; put contents of 's5_result' in integer 'i5'
out i5
in your case you will have to keep using WindowText wt.Init(w), wt.CaptureToString because its a custom progress bar in .net so get wintext wont work
try this

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int wMain=win("" "*.Window.*" "KeePass")
if(!wMain) ret;
int w=child("" "*.Window.*" wMain 0x0 "wfName=m_pbQuality")
if(!w) ret;
WindowText wt.Init(w)
'VDDY           ;; Space (40) (40) Enter
wait 50
str s=wt.CaptureToString
str pattern= "\d+"
str ss
findrx(s pattern 0 1 ss)
int x = val(ss)
if(x < 52) goto g1
Thanks! val(...) worked for me fine

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