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Closing ShowTooltip_Smart threads individually
Suppose that a QM macro launches several different ShowTooltip_Smart balloons, existing simultaneously. I wonder whether there exists a way to select and close an individual balloon without affecting the others. I understand that :
(a) EndThread "ShowTooltip_Smart" closes all balloons at once.
(b) I can close a balloon individually by accessing, programmatically, its close (x) button if existing, for example

Function tempf04
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int w=wait(1 WV win("MYNOTES" "QM_toolbar"))
Acc a.Find(w "HELPBALLOON" "Balloon title*" "" 0x1001)
int x y cx cy
a.Location(x y cx cy)
mou x+cx-17 y+33

but I consider it too empirical.

© EndThread with threadhandle may also be used, but I have difficulty in associating thread handle with a particular balloon.

Any advice is much appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
My approach to close balloons, starting with the most recent

Function tempf12
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int n
n=EnumQmThreads(0 0 0 "ShowTooltip_Smart")
ARRAY(QMTHREAD) a.create(n)
EnumQmThreads(&a[0] n 0 "ShowTooltip_Smart")
EndThread(0 _i 0)

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