09-13-2004, 05:37 PM
i try to get the file selected in windows explorer without
using right click (context menu).
with Accessible objects i can get the selected file when x and y are
but it doesn't work when i use Cursor coordinates relative to window.
when i change int l to 392 instead of 393 i get an object not found error.
how can i use mouse position there ?
using right click (context menu).
with Accessible objects i can get the selected file when x and y are
but it doesn't work when i use Cursor coordinates relative to window.
when i change int l to 392 instead of 393 i get an object not found error.
int hwnd=win("" "ExploreWClass")
xm p hwnd
int l = 393
Acc a=acc("" "LISTITEM" "PowerPro_web" "SysListView32" "" 0x1100 l 407)
str name=a.Name
str value=a.Value
out name
out "Cursor coordinates relative to window ''Quick'' are:[]x=%i y=%i" p.x p.y
how can i use mouse position there ?