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Option buttons in dialog
Hi Gintaras,

Please can you assist me with returning what option button has been selected on the dialog and returned to the macro, when the start button is pressed.

Function Hot_Dialog
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function# hDlg message wParam lParam
if(hDlg) goto messages

;0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 287 130 "The Project"
;3 Button 0x54032000 0x0 6 4 50 38 "Start"
;4 Button 0x54032000 0x0 6 46 50 38 "Stop"
;9 Edit 0x54200844 0x20000 62 20 222 104 ""
;5 Button 0x54032009 0x0 62 6 100 14 "Table 1"
;6 Button 0x54002009 0x0 164 6 120 14 "Table 2"
;2 Button 0x54030000 0x4 6 88 50 38 "Close"
;7 Button 0x54020007 0x0 0 30 108 100 ""
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2030408 "" "" "" ""

str controls = "9 5 6"
str e9 o5Dub o6Sma
if(!ShowDialog("Hot_Dialog" &Hot_Dialog &controls)) ret
sel message
,TO_Check win("The Project" "#32770") "5 -6" 1
,/GdiObject- brush=CreateSolidBrush(ColorFromRGB(0 176 255))
,/SetDlgItemText hDlg 6 ""
,/case WM_CTLCOLORDLG ret brush
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_APP
,int c=id(9 hDlg)
,SendMessage c EM_SETSEL 1000000000 1000000000
,SendMessage c EM_REPLACESEL 0 F"{lParam%%s}[]"

sel wParam
,case 3
,str toPlay
,if o5Dub=1
,SetDlgItemText hDlg 3 "Running"
,EnableWindow id(3 hDlg) 0; EnableWindow id(4 hDlg) 1
,mac "Hot" " " hDlg toPlay ;;_s.getwintext(id(6 hDlg))

,case 4
,SetDlgItemText hDlg 3 "Start"
,shutdown -6 0 "Hot"
,EnableWindow id(3 hDlg) 1; EnableWindow id(4 hDlg) 0
ret 1

When start is clicked, either option 1 or 2 will be selected and I need to be able to send this to macro Hot.

Function Hot
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function hDlg toPlay

inpp "[*599214908CAEC73F02*]" "Password Required" "Please Enter Password  To Begin" 1 ;;show password input box. If Cancel or incorrect password, end macro.

ARRAY(str) number_locations;; co-ordinates of each number 0 - 36

Also is TO_Check the best way to set a default checked option?

Kind Regards
you were close just had a couple mistakes

Function Hot_Dialog
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function# hDlg message wParam lParam
if(hDlg) goto messages

;0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 287 130 "The Project"
;3 Button 0x54032000 0x0 6 4 50 38 "Start"
;4 Button 0x54032000 0x0 6 46 50 38 "Stop"
;9 Edit 0x54200844 0x20000 62 20 222 104 ""
;5 Button 0x54032009 0x0 62 6 100 14 "Table 1"
;6 Button 0x54002009 0x0 164 6 120 14 "Table 2"
;2 Button 0x54030000 0x4 6 88 50 38 "Close"
;7 Button 0x54020007 0x0 0 30 108 100 ""
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2030408 "" "" "" ""

str controls = "9 5 6"
str e9 o5Dub o6Sma
if(!ShowDialog("Hot_Dialog" &Hot_Dialog &controls)) ret
sel message
,/TO_Check win("The Project" "#32770") "5 -6" 1
,/GdiObject- brush=CreateSolidBrush(ColorFromRGB(0 176 255))
,/SetDlgItemText hDlg 6 ""
,EnableWindow id(4 hDlg) 0
,/case WM_CTLCOLORDLG ret brush
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_APP
,int c=id(9 hDlg)
,SendMessage c EM_SETSEL 1000000000 1000000000
,SendMessage c EM_REPLACESEL 0 F"{lParam%%s}[]"

sel wParam
,case 3
,str toPlay
,if but(id(5 hDlg)) ;;is checked?
,,out "checked"
,,out "unchecked"
,SetDlgItemText hDlg 3 "Running"
,EnableWindow id(3 hDlg) 0; EnableWindow id(4 hDlg) 1
,mac "Hot" "" hDlg toPlay ;;_s.getwintext(id(6 hDlg))

,case 4
,SetDlgItemText hDlg 3 "Start"
,shutdown -6 0 "Hot"
,EnableWindow id(3 hDlg) 1; EnableWindow id(4 hDlg) 0
ret 1

Hot_Dialog the variable o5Dub is used only for ShowDialog function to passed a value to the control and or to receive a value when show dialog returns.Cant be used in dialog itself.
Do you always want to select table 1 button when showing dialog? or something else.u can set the value before calling ShowDialog and don't have to use ToCheck at all.
o5Dub=1 if u want table 1 to be default.
If you want table 2 to be default

your mac code was a little off as well
you had
mac "Hot" " " hDlg toPlay ;;_s.getwintext(id(6 hDlg))
should be
mac "Hot" "" hDlg toPlay ;;_s.getwintext(id(6 hDlg)) no space between quotes for command argument
in Function Hot you had toPlay variable as an int needed to be a string

Function Hot
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function hDlg ~toPlay
out hDlg
out toPlay
inpp "[*599214908CAEC73F02*]" "Password Required" "Please Enter Password To Begin" 1 ;;show password input box. If Cancel or incorrect password, end macro.

ARRAY(str) number_locations;; co-ordinates of each number 0 - 36
Awesome Kevin, thank you so much for your help and explanation. It is very much appreciated Smile

Kind Regards

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