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How to organize?
i do use only one qml and thats not good.
how do you organize all your quick macros?

i have no idea how to work with linked qml.

please tell me how you do it.
All my macros are in single file, many many folders, and I don't have problems with it.
sometimes while coding i feel it would make sense to put projects into separate qml.
i have a lot of tests in my qml.

many many folders and many subfolders :mrgreen:

its not easy to sort them.
yes, many many folders, many many many subfolders... Forgot about 90% of them long time ago.

Possibly next QM will be able to load multiple projects (files), use isolated namespaces, but I am still not working with it.
i made a new qml and added my workstation_qml as shared list.
currently i am most interested to see some qm editor enhancements.
qm needs way more dialogs to make small tasks simpler.

i have many things to do in the very near future:

for each active window a 50% opaque qm toolbar as layer
for each task a fullscreen qm toolbar along all screens
qm twitter
This would be cool

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