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ive looked into the archive but i couldnt find out how to just have the status bar only on the bottom with the splits, so this is what i mean .

on the bar, ill have something like this right,,, The Apples, then it'll have this line right near it, | , then ill have this something right near it, The Oranges, so the finsihed thing would look like this,

The Apples|The Oranges

How do i do that and can someone PLEASE show me an example, ok thank you !
Look in DEX_InitStatusBar.
Sorry to be a pain but where do i look into for what ?


Ive looked inside the archive gintaras, im able to find what i need but the whole thing is apart of a already premade set,

i dont see any single examples of that, of what i really need right now ?

where is an example of just what i previously wrote be found at

or can u tell me where i look for DEX_InitStatusBar
DEX_InitStatusBar is a function in Archive. You can find it with qm Find dialog, if you have imported whole Archive. It is in Archive \ Samples - dialogs and controls \ Explorer style dialog...
See, thats where im at right now but what i cant seem to find is where the dialog editor is so i can just use the bottom piece, thats all i need for my project but i cant seem to find it ?

Like when you normally make dialogs, it takes you to the editor where u add stuff and such, thats what im trying to get at, so i can just delete the other stuff and just use the bottom toolbar, but i cant get to the editor Sad
Function dlg_statusbar_multipart
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function# hDlg message wParam lParam
if(hDlg) goto messages

if(!ShowDialog("dlg_statusbar_multipart" &dlg_statusbar_multipart)) ret

;0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 223 135 "Dialog"
;1 Button 0x54030001 0x4 120 102 48 14 "OK"
;2 Button 0x54030000 0x4 170 102 48 14 "Cancel"
;3 msctls_statusbar32 0x54030000 0x0 0 121 223 14 ""
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2030109 "*" "" ""

sel message
,int hsb=id(3 hDlg)
,int w1(70) w2(140) w3(-1)
,SendMessage hsb SB_SETPARTS 3 &w1
,SendMessage hsb SB_SETTEXTA 0 "one"
,SendMessage hsb SB_SETTEXTA 1 "two"
,SendMessage hsb SB_SETTEXTA 2 "three"
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
sel wParam
,case IDOK
ret 1
Gintaras, i cant thank you enough! You totaly read my mind of what i needed! Thanks alot again!

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