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GetFilesInFolder - exclude subfolders
I understand that if flag 0x10000 is used with GetFilesInFolder, you may exclude filenames, using regexp. I also understand that if flag 4 is used as well, you cannot exclude - somehow - particular subfolders.

In this case you can scan ARRAY "a" to further exclude files in particular subfolders. I wonder whether there exists a fast and elegant way to do this, other than a classical "for int'i 0 a.len" loop checking one-by-one pathnames.

Many thanks in advance for any suggestion.
Try flag 0x20000. But regular expressions are good to INCLUDE, not to EXCLUDE. Maybe easier with "for int'i 0 a.len", like you say. Or use Dir d; foreach(d "*" FE_Dir)..., not GetFilesInFolder.
Thank you for useful hints. Let me, please, extend my question regarding "GetFilesInFolder - exclude" by kindly ask you :
(a) That you explain the example you have given in topic Backup vs2010 project folder, simplified as
or as applied by me
Quote:GetFilesInFolder a "C:\tmp\tmp1" "(?i)(?<!\.txt)$" 4|0x10000

I understand that it refers to lines ending with ".txt", but - although I have tested it and it is perfect - I cannot understand where is the "exclude" signaling.

(b) To help me in composing an exclusion statement, for filenames starting with "abcd".

Many thanks in advance. Best regards.
My understanding regarding (a) above is :

Quote:case insensitive - not preceded by .txt at end-of line

I would please ask you to confirm.

Regular expressions don't have "does not contain". As a workaround, sometimes can be used "not preceded by" or "not followed by". ... ot+contain
Function GetFilesInFolderExcept
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function ARRAY(str)&a $parentFolder [$filenamePattern] [$exceptPattern] [flags] [getProp] ;;flags: 0 files, 1 folders, 2 any, 4 +subfolders, 8 only subfolders, 32 skip symbolic-link subfolders, 64 skip hidden-system, 0x10000 regular expression, 0x20000 compare relative path, 0x100000 exceptPattern regular expression, 0x200000 exceptPattern compare relative path.  getProp: 1 size, 2 time modified, 3 time created, 4 time accessed, 0x100 (flag) don't need folder size

;Gets full paths of files in a folder.

;a - variable for results.
;parentFolder - full path of the folder. Can end with \.
;filenamePattern - if used and not "", gets only files that match filenamePattern. Else gets all files.
;;;Can be full filename, filename with <help #IDP_WILDCARD>wildcard characters</help> (*?), or regular expression (flag 0x10000).
;;;Can be relative path (flag 0x20000).
;;;Case insensitive.
;exceptPattern - if used and not "", skips files that match exceptPattern.
;;;Can be full filename, filename with <help #IDP_WILDCARD>wildcard characters</help> (*?), or regular expression (flag 0x100000).
;;;Can be relative path (flag 0x200000).
;;;Case insensitive.
;;;Note: flags 0x10000/0x20000 are for filenamePattern; flags 0x100000/0x200000 are for exceptPattern.
;;;0, 1, 2 - file/folder type. If 0, gets only files. If 1 - only folders. If 2 - all.
;;;4 - also get files in subfolders.
;;;8 - get files only in subfolders, not in this folder.
;;;32 (QM 2.4.0) - don't get files in subfolders that have attribute FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT. It is used for symbolic links, junctions and volume mount points, that actually are not subfolders of that folder.
;;;64 (QM 2.4.0) - don't get hidden system files and folders (eg thumbnail cache files).
;;;0x10000 - filenamePattern is regular expression. Note: if need \ characters (if flag 0x20000), use \\.
;;;0x20000 - filenamePattern is path relative to parentFolder. Example: "subfolder\*\*.txt". Will be compared with whole relative paths of files, not just with filenames.
;getProp (QM 2.3.5) - prepend a file property to the path (in a), like "1000 c:\file.txt".
;;;File size is in bytes.
;;;File times are in FILETIME/DateTime format, UTC.
;;;To sort the array by a file property (or just by name, if getProp not used): a.sort(8)
;;;To get the number and path string: see example.
;;;File access time auto-updating on most computers is disabled, therefore it can be useful only if set explicitly.

;See also: <FE_Dir>.


str s.expandpath(parentFolder)
s.dospath(s 1)
s+iif((s.end("\")||!s.len) "*" "\*")
int isfp=!empty(filenamePattern)
int isep=!empty(exceptPattern)
int getPropFlags=getProp&~255; getProp&255

Dir d; lpstr sPath ss
foreach(d s FE_Dir flags&0xff)
,if isfp
,,if(flags&0x20000) ss=d.RelativePath; else ss=d.FileName
,,if(flags&0x10000) if(findrx(ss filenamePattern 0 1)<0) continue
,,else if(!matchw(ss filenamePattern 1)) continue
,if isep
,,if(flags&0x200000) ss=d.RelativePath; else ss=d.FileName
,,if(flags&0x100000) if(findrx(ss exceptPattern 0 1)>=0) continue
,,else if(matchw(ss exceptPattern 1)) continue
,if getProp
,,long x
,,sel getProp
,,,case 1 if(getPropFlags&0x100 and d.IsFolder) x=0; else x=d.FileSize
,,,case 2 x=d.TimeModifiedUTC
,,,case 3 x=d.TimeCreatedUTC
,,,case 4 x=d.TimeAccessedUTC
,,,case else end ERR_BADARG
,,a[].from(x " " sPath)
,else a[]=sPath

err+ end _error ;;error in rx

example - exclude folders "Debug" and "Release" in any depth
Macro Macro522
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ARRAY(str) a
GetFilesInFolderExcept a "$qm$" "" "(?<=^|\\)(Debug\\|Release\\)" 4|0x300000
out a
out a.len
Excellent ! Many thanks indeed.
This works :
Quote:GetFilesInFolderExcept a "C:\tmp\tmp1" files "*.pdf"

I have two further questions :

(a) I need to exclude ".eml" too (with same as above statement)

(b) I need to exclude all files starting with "abcd" too.

I would appreciate your advice.
Use regular expression.
I had thought so, but trying to exclude .pdf files with the following statement, and although I tried various versions, I failed :
Quote:GetFilesInFolderExcept a "C:\tmp\tmp1" "\." "???" 0x10000

I mark with ??? the string failed. Please advise.
Wrong flags.
I am sorry. This is working perfectly :
Quote:GetFilesInFolderExcept a "C:\tmp\tmp1" "" ".pdf|.dwd|.eml" 0x100000

Thanks again.
This version also supports lists. Then don't need regular expressions for simple cases like several file types. And it will be in next QM.

Function GetFilesInFolder
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function ARRAY(str)&a $parentFolder [$filenamePattern] [flags] [getProp] [$exceptPattern] ;;flags: 0 files, 1 folders, 2 any, 4 +subfolders, 8 only subfolders, 32 skip symbolic-link subfolders, 64 skip hidden-system, 0x10000 filenamePattern is regexp, 0x20000 filenamePattern is relative path, 0x40000 exceptPattern is regexp, 0x80000 exceptPattern is relative path.  getProp: 1 size, 2 time modified, 3 time created, 4 time accessed, 0x100 (flag) don't need folder size

;Gets full paths of files in a folder.

;a - variable for results.
;parentFolder - full path of the folder. Can end with \.
;filenamePattern - if used and not "", gets only files that match filenamePattern. Else gets all files.
;;;Can be full filename, filename with <help #IDP_WILDCARD>wildcard characters</help> (*?), or regular expression (flag 0x10000).
;;;Can be relative path (flag 0x20000).
;;;Case insensitive.
;;;QM 2.4.4: can be list, like "*.png[]*.gif[]*.jpg".
;;;0, 1, 2 - file/folder type. If 0, gets only files. If 1 - only folders. If 2 - all.
;;;4 - also get files in subfolders.
;;;8 - get files only in subfolders, not in this folder.
;;;32 (QM 2.4.0) - don't get files in subfolders that have attribute FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT. It is used for symbolic links, junctions and volume mount points, that actually are not subfolders of that folder.
;;;64 (QM 2.4.0) - don't get hidden system files and folders (eg thumbnail cache files).
;;;0x10000 - filenamePattern is regular expression. Note: if need \ characters (if flag 0x20000), use \\.
;;;0x20000 - filenamePattern is path relative to parentFolder. Example: "subfolder\*\*.txt". Will be compared with whole relative paths of files, not just with filenames.
;;;0x40000 - like 0x10000 but is used with exceptPattern.
;;;0x80000 - like 0x20000 but is used with exceptPattern.
;getProp (QM 2.3.5) - prepend a file property to the path (in a), like "1000 c:\file.txt".
;;;File size is in bytes.
;;;File times are in FILETIME/DateTime format, UTC.
;;;To sort the array by a file property (or just by name, if getProp not used): a.sort(8)
;;;To get the number and path string: see example.
;;;File access time auto-updating on most computers is disabled, therefore it can be useful only if set explicitly.
;exceptPattern (QM 2.4.4) - if used and not "", skips files that match exceptPattern.
;;;Everything like with filenamePattern, but are used other flags (0x40000/0x80000).

;See also: <FE_Dir>.

;ARRAY(str) a; int i
;GetFilesInFolder a "$desktop$"
;for i 0 a.len
,;out a[i]
,;Dir d.dir(a[i])
,;out d.FileSize

;GetFilesInFolder a "$system$" "*.exe"
;GetFilesInFolder a "$system$" "^.*\.exe$" 0x10000

;;get file time and path, sort by file time, and display all in readable format
;ARRAY(str) a; int i
;GetFilesInFolder a "$my qm$" "" 0 2
;for i 0 a.len
,;DateTime t=val(a[i] 1 _i) ;;use DateTime for times. Use long for size.
,;str sPath=a[i]+_i+1
,;out F"{t.ToStr(4)}    {sPath}"


str s.expandpath(parentFolder)
s.dospath(s 1)
s+iif((s.end("\")||!s.len) "*" "\*")
ARRAY(str) afp aep
if(!empty(filenamePattern)) afp=filenamePattern
if(!empty(exceptPattern)) aep=exceptPattern
int getPropFlags=getProp&~255; getProp&255

Dir d; lpstr sPath ss; int i
foreach(d s FE_Dir flags&0xff)
,if(afp.len and !sub.IsMatch(iif(flags&0x20000 d.RelativePath d.FileName) afp flags&0x10000)) continue
,if(aep.len and sub.IsMatch(iif(flags&0x80000 d.RelativePath d.FileName) aep flags&0x40000)) continue
,if getProp
,,long x
,,sel getProp
,,,case 1 if(getPropFlags&0x100 and d.IsFolder) x=0; else x=d.FileSize
,,,case 2 x=d.TimeModifiedUTC
,,,case 3 x=d.TimeCreatedUTC
,,,case 4 x=d.TimeAccessedUTC
,,,case else end ERR_BADARG
,,a[].from(x " " sPath)
,else a[]=sPath

err+ end _error ;;error in rx

#sub IsMatch
function! $ss ARRAY(str)&a isRX

int i
for i 0 a.len
,if(isRX) if(findrx(ss a[i] 0 1)>=0) ret 1
,else if(matchw(ss a[i] 1)) ret 1
I have already tried it. I guess that, on behalf of all QM-users, I should thank you for making our lives easier!
ssimop Wrote:...thank you for making our lives easier!


You're right, Ssimop, I can't imagine my life without QM. For that reason, thanks to Gintaras and to all the QMers.

Dear Gintaras,

I am in need of your advice regarding a possible mistake I commit in the following case :

Quote:GetFilesInFolder3 a folder "" 4|0x40000 2 exclude


Quote:str exclude=

The problem :
The file with filename :
Quote:[syllogos_dep_emp] Ekthesi_f-Nikos_160916.eml

is excluded, although its extension among these in string "exclude", but it contains string "log" in its filename.

Is it likely that I should use \.tmp$ to discriminate between dot as part of an rx against dot between filename and extension?

Many thanks in advance.
Yes, . in regular expression means "any character except newline".

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