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special folder strings
I'm upgrading my system from Win2K to Vista, and copied my Main.qml file from my old Win2K drive to the My QM folder on the Vista drive. Now my database macros that use special folder string $personal$ gives an error, indicating that the file is located in C:\Documents and Settings\Mark Martin\My Documents\ is not found. When I build a simple test program,
Macro Test Function Caller
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str s.searchpath("$personal$")
out s
it indicates that $personal$ correctly translates to C:\Users\Mark\Desktop as on the Vista installation. Any idea how to fix my database macros?
What is your QM version?

If it < 2.3.0, upgrading should help.

Or maybe your database macro is compiled to exe with old QM. Recompiling should help (menu Run -> Make Exe).
Okay, I figured out what's going on. When I copied the Access files across, I neglected to update the linked tables in Access linked table manager. It wasn't anything to do with $personal$, it was reporting the broken linked tables. sorry :oops:

But it is good to know that $personal$ is compiled into an .exe according to the system that it was compiled on.
No, $personal$ is expanded on each computer, not where the exe is compiled.

In old QM versions QM used incorrect way to get special folder paths. I thought it could be the reason.

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