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Smile Features Request for Quick Macros 2 Idea Arrow

1) Need a way to write-protect macros without encrypting them, to guard against accidental inserts and alterations etc.

2) How to make a popup stopper for IE using QM? It seems quite possible, but issue of user-requested (by clicking etc.) vs. browser auto-generated windows. I think a small feature may have to be added to allow this, else have to disable all created IE windows to effectively disable popups.

3) ***** My biggest request: Macros triggered by a window need handle of that window.

The active window is often not the one that triggered the macro: Others may popup and/or become active in the interim and others may exist with the same name. So it creates a problem when we need to work with the just created window that triggers the macro. If the macro can get the handle through a modified "win" function or some other way, it can work on that window - no more worry about other windows that suddenly popup, become active, or that have same name.

Currently the win function makes you specify a window or else returns active window handle.

4) Miscellaneous:
Idea a) Access to DOS environment variables.
Idea b) Find string in file.
Idea c) Bring back the activation map.
Idea d) Arithmetic operators: eg. 5*1+6*2 does not automatically do (5*1)+(6*2) as per the rules of algebra.
Idea e) QM status window: QM 1.3.3 showed menu id's. Would like to see this feature added back: Makes writing macros easier. Currently i use QM 1.3.3 to get the menu ids, dont like to use Recorder all the time to fetch ids.
Idea f) Date stamp on macros would really help. I worked on macros on separate machines, left it for couple weeks, on return i didnt know which of certain macros were most recent. So i had to analyze lists on two computers. With a date stamp its easy to know which macro has the most recent change.
Idea g) How to work with integers larger than the limit? Despite the reasons (explained: Here), the Windows calculator can do it, hard disks have gigabytes and gigabytes greater than the integer type limit with each and every byte accounted for, so how to precisely generate and work with large numbers? Can QM break the limit? Will Gintaras Didzgalvis amaze us further? I hope so Big Grin :roll:

5) Idle timer events - when keyboard and mouse are inactive for specified time then run a macro.

6) Finally: Something that’s irritated me to no end for years: Want ability to ban system access to sleeping hard disks when extra disks are present (and related: ability to put monitor and hard disks to sleep) - if QM can implement this, it would save a lot of aggravation. Currently, hard disks shut down only to be awakened by the system or an application for no good reason other than that the hard disks exist. (Windows will even wake up all the disks with Start, Shutdown! Ouch! Windows will wake up all disks when a file is deleted, the list goes on and on and on...making fool of the term “Advanced Power Management”) :lol:

Running: Win98, 233MHz Intel, 192Meg RAM

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