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I was looking in the forum for an example of a macro run to display one of QM help topics. For example, for a macro that when run it will display help on topic"help and type info". I understand that you can do it when pasting this text in list object with id=2216 of qm-editor, but I was looking for something simpler, which could be run without qm-editor window open. Many thanks in advance.
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Joined: Oct 2007
I would appreciate it if you could kindly give me an example, if I need to get help on the lemma "Character codes" using QmHelp. Many thanks in advance.
Posts: 12,098
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Joined: Dec 2002
Use "Function help editor". It is in floating toolbar, other tools.
Select menu: Link -> Open QM help topic.
Open the topic in QM Help window, click OK.
It inserts comments that contain help id name. Use that name with QmHelp.
;<help #IDP_ASCII></help>
Open the topic, right click, select Properties, copy help id name from address and use it with QmHelp.
Insert QmHelp QM Help topic
int w=win("QM Help" "HH Parent")
if(w) act w; else w=QmHelp("IDH_REFERENCE")
if(mes("Open the topic, then click OK." "" "OCn")!='O') ret
Acc ap=acc("" "PANE" w "Internet Explorer_Server" "mk:@MSITStore*" 0x1004)
str s=ap.Value
findrx(s "\bID\w_\w+(?=\.html)" 0 1 s)
err+ mes _error.description; ret
InsertStatement F"QmHelp ''{s}''"
Posts: 1,058
Threads: 367
Joined: Oct 2007
Thank you for this exhaustively detailed explanation. Let me mention that the above toolbar is "More Tools" rather than "other tools".
Best regards.