Posts: 1,058
Threads: 367
Joined: Oct 2007
In the case of a grid with icons in two (or more) of its columns, I wonder whether it is possible to get the icons data (g.SetImagelist) from two different imagelist files (bmp), one for each column. Thanks for your advice, in advance.
Posts: 12,075
Threads: 141
Joined: Dec 2002
Member function
function il
int hi i n=ImageList_GetImageCount(il)
for i 0 n
,hi=ImageList_GetIcon(il i 0)
,ImageList_ReplaceIcon this.handle -1 hi
,DestroyIcon hi
__ImageList il.Load("$qm$\il_qm.bmp")
__ImageList il2.Load("$qm$\il_icons.bmp")
int i n=ImageList_GetImageCount(il)
str s; for(i 0 n) s.addline(F"{i}")
ListDialog(s "" "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 il)