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Maximum variable declarations capped at 244?
Is the amount of maximum variables "capped" at 244?
It is not literally capped but the 'dot' pop-up menu does not appear when declaring a 245th variable.

If you run below code it puts 244 lines of string declerations in clipboard.
Paste it in QM and then try to add one variable to it below the last line.
For example str d. with the dot, the dot should expand a pop-up menu with functions,..etc....
But this does not happen. But when you remove the last line (244) and try it again, the po-pup menu appears.

With "pop-up menu" I mean the menu that is described in:
QM HELP FILE >> creating Macros and programs >> Help and type info >> "When you type dot (.) somewhere in text..."

Macro Macro5
Copy      Help
;; creates a string placed in clipboard
;; like this:
;; str a1="1"
;; str a2="2"
;; ...
;; str a244="244"

int i
str final_str
for i 1 245
,_s=F"str a{i}=''{i}''"
,final_str.from(final_str _s "[]")

Maybe something is wrong from my end, I just wanted to be sure.
(Could not find it in help file, when searching on "declaration" / "maximum declarations")

I have a "big" application created (for my standards) and it uses a dialog and has many variables within that dialog code.
The dialog code has more then 244 variables and I noticed that beyond the 244th declared variable the .dot pop-up menu doesn't appear.
It is bug in QM "intellisense". Does not show members, status bar info. Will be fixed in next QM. Thank you.
Thank you!

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