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Trigger a Macro with numpad?
Hey guys, i hope you can help out!

Im trying to set a trigger from my numpad (key 8) to start a simple run program macro, but i can't seem to make it work.

I've tried, after some reading, setting the hotkey to N8 but after pressing OK nothing really happens. And if i go back to the Macro Triggers it didn't even register.

What am i doing wrong here?

Thank you for your help!
select the macro or function you would like to put the trigger on from the list on the left side of the qm window then
click this button

 then follow pic below


then click ok
Like i wrote, i did exactly that but nothing happens. I click OK - if i go back to trigger menu it didn't register my trigger at all.

Do i need to change my code somehow? I've just put in to run a program, do i need to add anything to the code?
try typing N8 in the trigger edit box next to the trigger button and then press enter

Thank you for the reply Kevin! Smile

It did seem to register some sort of trigger now, but i think my Macro is fundamentally flawed.

I would like to start application X by simply pressing num 8 and perhaps bring the started but minimized/trayed application X back to focus if numpad 8 is pressed.

Im guessing this is a bit more complicated than simple "run" functions. How would the code look like and is it at all feasible?

Thx for the help!
basic example using notepad

Function FunctionRunNotepadExample
Trigger N8     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
Copy      Help
int w
run "$system$\notepad.exe" "" "" "" 0x800 win("- Notepad" "Notepad") w

 will launch notepad if its not running or will activate it if it is running

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