04-16-2019, 02:42 PM
I would like to limit the output to only five of the lists included in the variable"s".
What should I do if I want to do "BREAK" after I output the 5 lists?
I'd like to know how to solve it.
ARRAY(str) a="1[]2[]3[]4[]5[]6[]7[]8[]9[]10"
int i
for(i 0 a.len)
if(i=5) break
out a[i]
str s=
;c:\program files\myexe1.exe
;c:\program files\myexe2.exe
;c:\program files\myexe3.exe
;c:\program files\myexe4.exe
;c:\program files\myexe5.exe
;c:\program files\myexe6.exe
;c:\program files\myexe7.exe
;c:\program files\myexe8.exe
;c:\program files\myexe9.exe
;c:\program files\anotherone.exe
str sw=
sub.Included_Words s sw _s
out _s
#sub Included_Words
function str&Word_list str&Included_Words str&outlist
ARRAY(str) am au AM AU
foreach _s Included_Words
,if(find(Word_list _s 0 1)<0) au[]=_s
,else am[]=_s
foreach _s Word_list
,for(_i 0 am.len)
,,if(find(_s am[_i] 0 1)>=0) break
,,outlist.addline(_s 1)
What should I do if I want to do "BREAK" after I output the 5 lists?
I'd like to know how to solve it.
ARRAY(str) a="1[]2[]3[]4[]5[]6[]7[]8[]9[]10"
int i
for(i 0 a.len)
if(i=5) break
out a[i]
str s=
;c:\program files\myexe1.exe
;c:\program files\myexe2.exe
;c:\program files\myexe3.exe
;c:\program files\myexe4.exe
;c:\program files\myexe5.exe
;c:\program files\myexe6.exe
;c:\program files\myexe7.exe
;c:\program files\myexe8.exe
;c:\program files\myexe9.exe
;c:\program files\anotherone.exe
str sw=
sub.Included_Words s sw _s
out _s
#sub Included_Words
function str&Word_list str&Included_Words str&outlist
ARRAY(str) am au AM AU
foreach _s Included_Words
,if(find(Word_list _s 0 1)<0) au[]=_s
,else am[]=_s
foreach _s Word_list
,for(_i 0 am.len)
,,if(find(_s am[_i] 0 1)>=0) break
,,outlist.addline(_s 1)