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Window/Client/Screen coordinates
I'm editing a new macro to fine-tune its accuracy but, am unsure which coordinates the macro is using. At the bottom of the screen, I see coordinates based on the window, the client, and the screen. Which numbers do I use to get the cursor exactly where I need it to be to check a box on a form for me?

Richard H Adkins Jr

Authors Guild of America
Romance Writers of America
Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America
Can be used any, but usually the best is client area coordinates. It is default in the Mouse dialog and when recording.
Client area coordinates are used like this:
lef x y window 1
Window coordinates:
lef x y window
lef x y
Do blank lines matter to the macro? It helps me when coding to put blank lines between sections.

I believe I found what I was hoping to find.  Placing a space at the beginning of a blank lines causes that line to be ignored allowing me to use two blank lines (with their single space each) to separate major sections and a single blank line with its space for minor sections. 

If this is incorrect, or if there is a better way, please let me know. A hard return and blank space are quite fast and easy. Smile

Richard H Adkins Jr

Authors Guild of America
Romance Writers of America
Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America

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