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Watch folder copy new file string path?
I would like create a Quick Macro that watches a folder. Every time a new file is created I want the full path string copied to the clipboard. How could this be accomplished. Thanks
Look in Properties, "File" trigger.

Function Function311
Trigger $f 0x401 "$my qm$"     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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function event $name [$newname]
;event: 1 added, 2 removed, 4 renamed, 8 modified
;out F"{event} {name}"
str s=name
In a folder the first file that is created is always a temp file. The name of the file is like so  "C:\myFolder\94672.tmp" the next file created is the file I want. Its name is like so "C:\myFolder\ImageFile007.png". Is there anyway to tell the command skip the file named "C:\myFolder\*.tmp", and then use the next file? Thanks

As quick as I asked I saw the Exclude area of the trigger window. Thanks
Is it possible to exclude two file formats? If so what is the syntax to write them both in the exclude area? I tried
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*.mp4, *.tmp
Function Function311
Trigger $f 0x401 "$my qm$" "" "*.mp4|*.tmp"     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
Copy      Help
function event $name [$newname]
;event: 1 added, 2 removed, 4 renamed, 8 modified
;out F"{event} {name}"
str s=name
Thanks @Kevin your answer is super helpful. Smile

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