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Wait for mouse movement - any
I have the following for automatic mouse clicking (folder/web link) when the "hand icon" appears:

Macro Hand
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rep 100
,wait 0 CU IDC_HAND

The problem is that I then need it to stop auto clicking until the mouse cursor is moved again. "Wait for mouse movement" so to speak. 
(not to a specific coordinate, but it should detect any mouse movement, in any direction or any amount of pixels).

Is this possible with QM?
check out this topic

Awesome! Thanks, very helpful.
Following the above suggestion I trimmed down the script as I only need mouse move and I commented out the "out" section. I added two seconds Wait and single Left Click instead as I want the script to automatically left click two seconds after moving the mouse. However, the code below doesn't work and crashes both QM as well as some other programs (Warning: thread of <open ":2841:">Test has been terminated. It was hung and could not be ended correctly. It is recommended to restart QM).

The problem is probably in either int k=wParam
 or str what action ?

Any suggestions would be welcome!
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int hmouse=SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL &sub.MouseProc _hinst 0)
opt waitmsg 1
wait -1
UnhookWindowsHookEx hmouse

#sub MouseProc
function nCode wParam MSLLHOOKSTRUCT*x

if(nCode!=HC_ACTION) goto gr

int k=wParam
str what action

sel k
,case WM_MOUSEMOVE what="move"

sel k

/out "mouse %s %s at %i %i" what action

ret CallNextHookEx(0 nCode wParam x)
Hook functions must be as fast as possible and cannot wait. If need to wait, do it in other thread. For example use mac or tim.
Thanks Gintaras,

mac seems to work where the macro (needs to be a function) is:


But it will repeat itself causing a gazillion threads :-(.
How can I limit it to just one ?
Maybe the lef clicks the Run button.
But why to add 2 lef or mac in WaitForKeyOrMouse? If want to modify it, clone it and modify, then call from your macro.
Macro Macro333
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rep 100
,wait 0 CU IDC_HAND
or if don't want to use WaitForKeyOrMouse, can create your wait function:
Macro Macro333
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rep 100
,wait 0 CU IDC_HAND

#sub WaitForMouseMove
POINT p1 p2; xm p1
,xm p2
,if(p2.x!=p1.x or p2.y!=p1.y) break
Thanks again Gintaras,

That's a much cleaner way indeed.

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