12-24-2020, 04:48 AM
Hi guys, I'm a new user here
Could someone teach me how to write a command to search for a specific color on screen "C9760A" and then click it
I tried to build it on different apps and the command look like this
Could anyone help me to translate to quick macro apps
Thanks in advance!
Could someone teach me how to write a command to search for a specific color on screen "C9760A" and then click it
I tried to build it on different apps and the command look like this
Could anyone help me to translate to quick macro apps
Thanks in advance!
Quote:VBSCall FindColorEx(0,0,1920,1080,"C9760A",1,0.9,x,y)
//Search a fuzzy color in a fixed area (0,0,1024,768) is the area, "FFFFFF" is the color, 1 means searching from center to periphery, 0.8 means the fuzzy degree. The found coordinates will be saved in (x,y)
If x>=0 and y>=0
//If found the fuzzy color, x and y will be larger than 0
MoveTo x+5 y+3
//Move mouse cursor to the color. For some games, you may use the coordinates with offsets like 'MoveTo x+10 y+10'
Delay 50
VBSCall Shape=GetCursorShape(0)
While shape = 1601227909
LeftClick 1
LeftClick 1
KeyPress 32,1
Delay 1000
VBSCall Shape=GetCursorShape(0)