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Break down .eml files
What's the best way to break down .eml files programattically into sender, subject, body...etc.

I'm sure somewhere on here already has this coded out, so any help would be appreciated because I'm feeling a bit lazy.
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MailBee.Message m._create
str subj=m.Subject
str body=m.BodyText ;;AltBodyText gets text without html
out subj
out body
MailBee help file

When opening first time, uncheck 'always ask ...', or Windows will not allow you to see it. Maybe this is only on Vista.
Help file won't work for me. I already tried that the other day. Doesn't load properly.(oh uncheck "always ask..." misread, sorry.)

could you help me get that to run code for all the .eml files in a directory?

Thanks so much!
Jimmy VIg
Probably you can use the same MailBee.Message variable (m) for all files.

When downloading, click Save, not Open. Then run the saved file and uncheck 'always ask...'.

Also attached the help file here in zip format.

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 423.43 KB / Downloads: 332)

Thanks, this is a useful example. Neverthless, I am wondering whether you could obtain relevant e-mail information from within the folders of Outlook Express. I understand you can select and save an e-mail from within OE folders into a file's system folder and then to proceed, but it would have been smarter if this could be an one-step action from within OE.

Many thanks
Getting and managing Outlook Express messages and folders
Dear Gintaras,

Many thanks indeed, excellent work.



PS. Many thanks for too.

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