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Joined: Oct 2014
Hi !
I'm slowly transitioning from QM to LA and i found all those useful wpfbuilder snippets and cookbook, but i don't think I found a "QM Smart Dialog" equivalent as an example in LA ?
Is there already one or can you provide one please ? I really need a dialog example printing "User clicked button" "User dropped down menu" "User checked box"... to understand how it works
Thanks in advance !
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Joined: Dec 2002
Usually don't need a dialog procedure and WM_X messages like in QM. Use events, or/and Window-based class + overrides.
Cookbook articles:
Dialog - events
Dialog - Window-based class
Dialog - menu bar
But in the cookbook I forgot about overrides. Here it is:
// script "Dialog - Window-based class.cs"
/// To start creating a <b>Window</b>-based class that uses a <see cref="wpfBuilder"/> to add elements etc, you can use menu File -> New -> Dialogs.
/// The main reason to use a Window-based class is to be able to override functions of the base class in order to receive various notifications (it's a more powerful alternative to events) or change the behavior or initial properties of the class.
var d = new Dialogs.DialogClass();
if (d.ShowDialog() != true) return;
namespace Dialogs {
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
class DialogClass : Window {
public DialogClass() {
Title = "Dialog";
var b = new wpfBuilder(this).WinSize(400);
b.R.Add("Text", out TextBox text1).Focus().Validation(_ => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text1.Text) ? "Text cannot be empty" : null);
b.R.Add("Combo", out ComboBox combo1).Items("Zero|One|Two");
b.R.Add(out CheckBox c1, "Check");
//if need, add initialization code (set control properties, events, etc) here or/and in Loaded event handler below
//b.Loaded += () => {
b.OkApply += e => {$"Text: \"{text1.Text.Trim()}\"");$"Combo index: {combo1.SelectedIndex}");$"Check: {c1.IsChecked == true}");
//In your Window-based class you can override (replace) virtual functions of the Window class.
//Add a function with the same name, arguments, etc as a base's function, and with the override keyword. Then your function will be called instead of the base's function.
//The code editor shows a list of overridable functions when you type the override keyword and space. Then you can start typing a function name to filter the list. Select a function. It inserts an empty function that just calls the base's function. Add more code before or/and after the call.
//Usually a corresponding event exists. For example event Closed for function OnClosed. This function is called before event handlers.
//Example of an override function.
protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e) {"closed");
//Your function should call the base function. Unless its documentation says it isn't necessary or you want to steal the notification from the base class.
//If a corresponding event exists, the base function usually raises the event (calls event handlers). For example base.OnClosed raises the Closed event.