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Upgrading made my triggers stop working
I recently upgraded to QM 2.2.1. At about the same time, I upgraded from IE6 to IE7, and also from XP Service Pack 2 to Service Pack 3. Suddenly I notice that none of my triggers are working any more. There must be some extremely simple reason for this, but I can't figure out what it is. Can anyone help me find it? My triggers are simple ones, just keyboard and mouse triggers.

Here are some things I have looked into, to no avail:

All of the individual functions that are supposed to be triggered are enabled.

When I right-click on the QM icon in the tray, there is no check box next to "Disable Triggers (ctrl-shift-alt-D)"

Under tools->options->triggers, the keyboard and mouse lines are turned on (i.e. highlighted in blue) in the "active triggers" section, under both the "blue tray" and "gray tray" sections. Also, I checked "use low level keyboard hook" and "use low level mouse hook" radio buttons.

In desperation, I even tried upgrading again, to QM 2.3 beta. So far I love the editor improvements, but my triggers still won't work.
Look in menu File -> More (the second More, below Export) -> File Properties.
In the "scope of triggers" section, the "All" programs radio button is selected.

Beneath that, all four of the checkboxes (Read Only, Disabled Items, Private functions, and Application) are all unchecked.
Run this macro to test keyboard hooks.
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int+ testkeyhook=SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL &LLKeyboardProc _hinst 0)
mes "Press several keys. It should display key names in QM output. Don't close this message box."

Also need this function.
Function LLKeyboardProc
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function nCode wParam KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT*h

FormatKeyString h.vkCode 0 &_s
out _s

ret CallNextHookEx(testkeyhook nCode wParam h)
If you are using the keyboard detector (downloaded from this forum), make sure that it is not running. Because it disables low level keyboard hooks.
While your macro is running, each time I press a key, I get a beep, and the key that I press is printed, twice, in the output window (on two separate lines). For some reason "p" appears as lowercase, but every other letter appears as a capital letter. I guess that's a successful test?

Also, I'm not using the keyboard detector. I hadn't discovered that, which is probably a good thing, as it sounds like it would only get me into more trouble.
Try to create new file (menu File -> Open/New File) with 1 keyboard or mouse trigger. Does it work?
Yes! I used File -> Open/New File to create a new .qml file, and then I created new macro. I assigned a keyboard trigger to that macro, and that trigger worked.

What does that mean?
Don't know. Maybe some bug in QM. For example maybe some trigger string is incorrect and then QM fails to add all triggers. Or some other bug. Try to import your macros (menu File -> Import) to the new file and see when triggers stop working.
Well, I just imported all of the macros and functions from my old .qml file into my new .qml file. There were about 20 of them. Now keyboard and mouse triggers work again.

That was pretty strange, but I am certainly happy that the problem seems to be fixed!
Just a thought E7 at one time had problems if you installed it at the same time as other updates. I would have thought that Microsoft would have fixed this by now but maybe not.

I just installed SP3 without installing SP2 and now some of my updates from Microsoft will not install. I just work around it and I will have to uninstall SP3 and install SP2 and then SP3 to fix it.
Well, I've only had one problem with IE7 so far, and I fixed it fairly easily by deleting some old obsolete version of PSAPI.DLL. I could elaborate more if anyone's interested, but it's not a QM issue, so I'll stop for now.

I have noticed that QM has a harder time dissecting certain web pages in IE7 compared to IE6 (i.e. finding accessible objects in web pages, etc). Fortunately I think I can get around these problems by using QM 2.2's new html element commands. And ultimately it will be faster, I think, to use html elements rather than accessible objects. But I certainly have a lot of coding to do before the conversion is complete.

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