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Combo Box Help
Is it possible to make a function search through a combo box in a dialog looking for a certain thing then select it?

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Combo Box has this in it

Can i make it Select TEST4 ?
Or do you have to select manually?

Try CB_SelectString or accessible object Select.
Thanks Gint

CB_SelectString works great
could i use this to select all combo box items acc isnt working
Combo box controls allow single selected item. If you can select more items, it is not a combo box.
What would you do with all selected items?
just to retrieve data i only know how to get data from selected items how can i recieve from none selected
Macro Macro1534
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int w=win("Options" "#32770")
int c=id(1571 w)

int i
for i 0 CB_GetCount(c)
,CB_GetItemText(c i _s)
,out _s
that works better than what i was trying to do. i was going to try and get whole list in one str then compare each line in a array but with this i can compare each line as it is getting them thx gint

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