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Cannot show dialog error in exe
Hi Gintaras,

Completed my program and when compiled and run from exe it works great.

When the exe is run from another computer, it shuts down upon opening 1 of the 10 dialogs in the program (all others work fine). The dialog is the queue files dialog (from queue files forum post/thread), called from the macro converted to a function in order to make the exe.

Here is the error line:

</_>Error (RT) in <open "fnc_exec_ftp_queue /2007">fnc_exec_ftp_queue</open>: cannot show dialog

I know this is general, but wanted to know if you can point me to what to look for, as to what might be causing this problem. Also, not sure what the /2007 means in the <open ... code.

In most cases it is when some of control classes used in the dialog is not registered.
Probably it is QM_Grid.
ShowDialog registers it, but fails if qmgrid.dll is missing.
Take qmgrid.dll from QM folder. Put in exe folder on each computer.
Or use this function.
Function ExeQmGridDll2
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;Use this function in exe if you want to add qmgrid.dll to the exe file.
;When making exe, this function adds qmgrid.dll to exe.
;When exe runs, this function extracts the dll to temp folder, and loads.
;Don't use this function if you want the dll to be separate file.

;Returns: 1 success, 0 failed.

;Added in: QM 2.3.3.

;ExeQmGridDll2 ;;somewhere at the beginning of exe code

#if EXE
#exe addfile "$qm$\qmgrid.dll" 21079
if !GetModuleHandle("qmgrid.dll")
,if !dir(_s)
,,if(!ExeExtractFile(21079 _s)) ret ;;also creates folders.
,if(!LoadLibrary(_s)) ret
ret 1
when 'Added in: QM 2.3.3.'?
Should be next month.
Thanks for being awake, G...saved my butt ; )
Who wants to test QM 2.3.3 alpha?

Beta should be released next month.
Count me in!
trigger not work
Thank you, I'll try to fix it.
Use full filename, without ~1.
Gintaras Wrote:Beta should be released next month.

any news?
Currently I don't work with QM. Cannot promise something.
Gintaras Wrote:Currently I don't work with QM. Cannot promise something.

Huh, does it mean, you dont work in QM anymore? Confusedhock:
Gintaras Wrote:Currently I don't work with QM. Cannot promise something.

What, does it mean, you dont work in QM anymore? Confusedhock:

One more question, how to backup all the macros,functions etc before I test out the beta version?
And does it mean, I can distribute the beta version compiled exe files too.
This version actually is stable, and don't need to backup. I just don't have time to finish some new features. Will continue developing QM later.

You can distribute exe compiled with this QM version. Almost nothing changed in exe.

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