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Hi there!

I'm using Quick Macros and I'm learning to love it. I'm new and I've been learning from Quick Macros Help and online forums. It's been great.
Listen I just need help because I can't find this anywhere.
I need to use that function on topic but to find me something from a variable. I can make it find me something that I type in like:

es1.Find("hello" a))
out a[0].Value
out a[0].Column
out a[0].Row

But instead of hello, I want it to find something from a string variable. I cannot for the life of me make it work.

Can sombody help?

Thank you so much for your time
i haven't used that function but seems all you need to do is is this
str mystring="whatever i want to search for";;change this variable to search for whatever u need
es1.Find(mystring a))
out a[0].Value
out a[0].Column
out a[0].Row
That was it! Thank you!
I was trying something like:

Find("%s",mystring a)

and of course I was getting an error.
Thanks again.

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