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Send something to Opera
I use Opera and use some Macro to navigate between Tabs. The Macro triggers are Mouse moves to screen Edge.
The macro sends Shift+TAB or STRG+Shift+TAB for the Opera fuction "Cycle to next page" or previous page (tab).

The Problem is, if I am looking some Video, the Player is a Plugin, and Shortcuts are directly send to the plugin. So I have everytime, I want to move to another Tab, from a Video Page, to klick first beneath the Plugin to activate Opera itself.

Can I make that easier?
Macro Macro1989
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int hFocus=child
;outw hFocus
if(hFocus and childtest(hFocus "" "aPluginWinClass")) int hActive=win; act "+Shell_TrayWnd"; act hActive
key CST

if I just copy that into QM, it is not working .

I dont know, but someone in the opera forum told me, that shortcuts are directly send to plugins if they are active in a site.
For example a website, where is JWPlayer opened and has played, or a youtube video was playing or stopped.
This should work with any plugin.
Macro Macro1989
Trigger #5 0x4     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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int hFocus=child
int hActive=win
if(hActive and hFocus!=hActive and wintest(hActive "" "OperaWindowClass")) act "+Shell_TrayWnd"; act hActive
key CST

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